Chapter Two

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He marched toward the lounge, the team always meet up there at the end of the day for bonding and up until a few weeks ago didn't question Lance's absence. How could he have been so stupid, he knew, hell all of them knew that Lance had problems with his self-worth. Which made it all the more angering that the others were willingly putting him through this. He clenched his jaw and stomped through the lounge doors to see everyone laughing and setting up Pidge's laptop to start another movie. They looked over with a smile and waved him over.

"Where's Lance?" He asked instead. Would they lie to him again? Without hesitation, Pidge perked up.

"He said that he was going to do a spa thing for himself or something," she said rolling her eyes but not taking her eyes off the monitor. Hunk nodded his head in agreement and started hooking up the wires to the monitor. Keith remained silent and stared down at them with a piercing glare. When they heard no response they looked up at him and immediately flinched at the malice that was in his eyes.

"Why are you lying to me?" He growled at the two. They cowered under his gaze and looked at Shiro when he started walking towards them.

"Keith, buddy, what are you talking about?" He asked putting his hand on his shoulder. He didn't relax like he usually did and turned to face Shiro.

"Why are you guys lying to me about Lance?" He asked again. They became obviously flustered before Pidge calmly broke in.

"Why do you think we're lying about Lance? I was with him right before you came in," she said confidently looking him in the eyes.

"It disgusts me that you can look right into my eyes and lie to me," he hissed. Pidge flinched back in shock as Keith stomped towards her ripping Shiro's hand off of his shoulder.

"So, do you want to guess where I was before this?" He asked the room. They looked away from him and rubbed their necks trying to avoid the tension in the room.

"I was reassuring him of his place of the team because he thinks that he is worthless as a paladin," he said quietly standing over Pidge. "I laid him down in his bed while he cried, wondering why he was chosen over someone more qualified and useful," she looked down at the ground in shock.

"No! You don't get to look away!" Keith yelled stomping his foot in front of her making her look back up.

"You made him feel like he didn't have a place among us!" He cried, tears were beginning to trek down his face but he ignored them.

"He is one of the most talented, selfless and caring people that I ever had the pleasure to meet, and you had the audacity to make him suffer for it," he spat pointing a finger in her face. "You knew that he would never complain, no matter how bad he was feeling about himself because he didn't want to bother anybody with it, and you took advantage of that, didn't you?" He accused. Her lip quivered as she gave him a small nod before she put her head in her hands and started weeping into them.

"I was wiping away his tears when he told me that his friends didn't like him and that it wasn't surprising to him," he turned to Hunk with a poisonous glare. Hunk's eyes widened mournfully.

"Don't." Keith barked when Hunk opened his mouth. "Out of everyone here, I'm so fucking disappointed at you Hunk, you know how terrible Lance feels about himself, and you ignored it for this sick game you all played," he leaned forward into Hunk's personal space, even though he was a head shorter than him. He still seemed to cower away from the paladin.

"Did you think it would be funny?" He shouted. Hunk frantically shook his head no, he was beginning to cry.

"You're right, it wasn't funny; how would you feel if your so-called friends ignored you? If they spent time together without you? If the first thing they did when they saw you, was tell you to be quiet?" Hunk kept shaking his head, tears coursing down his cheeks. Keith sniffed trying to keep face. He finally turned to Shiro who was looking down at the ground ashamed. He grabbed the front of his shirt and dragged him down harshly to meet his eyes.

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