Chapter 5

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This is the last letter I can send before I get home.

God to think that the next time I speak to you will be in person, with you in my arms makes me so giddy I can't control myself.

I love you so much, and I want you to know that I couldn't have done any of this without your support. You believed in me and because of that I got through.

I am gonna hug you so tight and kiss you so much that you will want me to leave again. Don't expect to get too far away from me, I'm not letting you go, ever.

And you're gonna be my wife, and I love that. I love you. The idea of you being mine till the end of time makes me so happy. Makes me know that I accomplished all I needed to in life, and that I'm the luckiest man in the world to have you by my side.

I'll see you soon Babygirl.

With all the love in my heart,

Your Soldier.


Today's the day. The day he comes home.

Savannah has curled her hair, slipped on the light green sundress she found, and stepped into her converse. Her makeup is done naturally, and she's got his ring around her neck as always.

"Savannah you look so pretty." Aaliyah says when Savannah gets out of her car.

She drove to his parents house to ride with them to the airport.

"Thanks Liyah."

"Is that what you bought with the money you found?"

"It is, but there was little left over so I got him something. It's at my place." She nods.

She had moved into her own place while he was away. Hoping to take him back to it, call it home for them. The Mendes House by tomorrow.

"Oh is he going there?" Aaliyah asked looking over her shoulder at her mom.

"I figured he would, but I guess that's up to him." Karen shrugged her shoulders getting in the car.

Savannah climbed in the backseat with Aaliyah and tried to calm herself. The closer they got to the airport the more her nerves were going haywire. She was finally gonna hold her boy again.

"You okay?" Aaliyah asked as she noticed Savannah nervously biting her nails.

"Just nervous, I look okay right?"

"You look amazing. He's gonna love the dress."

"You think?"

"I know." Aaliyah smiled, taking Savannah's hand in hers.

"Thanks Liyah."

They were parking in the airport, getting into the crowded elevator with the other families they had once seen 10 weeks earlier.

"Their flight should be landing soon." A lady in the back of the elevator says. She turns back and smiles at the lady when she notices that no one even acknowledged her.

"In about 10 minutes." Savannah says looking in the ladies eyes.

"Martha." She extends her hand. "My son." She nods looking around. Savannah takes her hand and shakes it.

"Savannah." She introduces herself. "My boyfriend." She says.

"Did he do okay?" Martha asks.

"Perfectly. How about yours?"

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