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"I am the leading actress in people's nightmares"

Chapter 2 "Show and Tell"


We past many corridors, it's making me dizzy and it stinks in here! They stop in front of a metal door. Inside was like all scientific stuff with chemicals and funny looking machines. They push me in the middle of the room, some guys wearing lab coats walked forward.

They were holding syringes, I hate those little things. They would always tell you that it's just like a bee sting, phu-lease! All of them are liars!! They stuck the needle in my neck, I can feel myself getting drowsy but I fought to stay awake, I just smile and giggle.

"Pain is hilarious!!" I laughed making them cringe.

"Shut up! You psychopath!" Griggs came back, pulling my hair back, making me wince.

"I'm gonna miss ya dolly, hope ya never come back!" He chuckle, pulling my hair even harder.

"Awe, thanks and I hope ya wife is having fun with her gym instructor. Oops, I shouldn't have said that" I giggle, pulling my hair out of his grasp.

He mumbled something before letting the guards push me to the exit. The light were blinding, it's been awhile since I've seen the light of day. I don't like it.

"Hello Ms. Jinx, nice of you to join us" Waller greeted me with a monotone voice

" Can I go back inside?? I'm melting here. I prefer my dark and cold room than fresh air and people"

"No" Waller signaled the men.

They unlock my straps and ushered me to a field of targets. There was a table there and it was filled with different types of guns and an arrangement of bombs. I'm like a kid in a candy store.

"Oohh, pretty toys and you have a freaking bazooka!! Can't wait to make everything go boom!!" I exclaimed, my hands were still handcuffed.

"You are here to show us what you got" Waller stated as she observe my giddy expression.

"Like a talent show?" I giggle childishly. I really like those revolvers with a blue stripe. I'll choose that one.

"Alright unlock her" Flag ordered Griggs making me smile. I did a little dance causing the assho-I mean Griggs to turn red.

"Are you kidding me! Letting her out?! Do you know how many of my men were killed because of that blue haired sociopath!?" Griggs spat venomously at Flag. Flag just rolled his eyes.

"How do you expect me to see skills if she remains cuffed?" Waller said.

"Hey lady, just so you know, I could do this" I spit out an exact duplicate of the key. I got it from one of those gullible guards, that serve me those sloppy, $h!tty meals.

I unlock the cuffs before grabbing one of the revolvers and aiming it at Griggs.

"Shit!" He cussed, turning pale. And on command the guards aimed their guns at me. Making me grin widely.

"Drop your guns men" Flag ordered but none of them listen.

"Griggs tell your men to drop their weapons" Waller sternly said.

Griggs' right hand man step forward, gun aimed right at me. "Just say the word captain and I'll shoot her"

"Oooh, say the word Griggs and I'll take you with me" I taunted. He glared at me before ordering his men to stand down.

I laughed and without looking at the targets, I shoot six loads, aiming them in different directions. The vibration of the gun shot, the smell of gun powder, it feels so good! I miss this feeling!

 The vibration of the gun shot, the smell of gun powder, it feels so good! I miss this feeling!

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I turned to face the targets with a big smile, I threw the revolver away and grab a shotgun. And fired shots, aiming it in the head. I kept shooting until all of the targets have a big gaping hole in the middle of their head. I threw the shotgun and jump around, doing a little dance.

"I miss this feeling! This feels good! Really good!" I laughed. Waller award my show with clapping.

"You perceived my expectations, you will be a great addition to the team" Waller nodded at Flag.

"Get her inside with the others" He ordered and just like that the men roughly grabs my arms and legs literally swooping me off my feet.

"Easy boys! Value the merchandize!" I exclaimed. I was already inside the horrid building when I heard That Flag guy.

"She's way better than Deadshot, in my opinion" He whispered at That Waller chick.

Making me smile and giggle." Thank you Flag! It's in my DNA!"

Correct me if I'm wrong, I don't know how many ammos that a revolver have. In my mind their is six so I stick with it.

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