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"Did someone died? Is it Ricky? Finally!"


Everyone watched in horror, when the smoke cleared they were greeted by piles and piles of rubble. The screams of Harley could be heard miles away.

"No! No! No...." Diablo cried out as he tries to reach his bambina only to be held back by a crying Harley.

"You next!" Deadshot yells towards the Enchantress, anger and sorrow lacing his voice

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"You next!" Deadshot yells towards the Enchantress, anger and sorrow lacing his voice.

"My spell is complete. Once you and your armies are gone, my darkness will spread across this world and it will be mine to rule" She said, her voice radiating with power.

Suddenly the pile of rubble was starting to shake. Catching everyone off guard. Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, Jinx rose from the rubble. She was covered in ashes and small rocks.

"Oh my gosh!! That was something, I tell ya!" Jinx exclaimed as she wipes her face.

"Pain is not the word I'm looking for..." Jinx muttered.

"Agony? Nope, Torture? No....I feel like I've been impaled by millions of big sharp pointy spikes, yeah... that's what I feel" Jinx giggled as she dust her blue hair. But she abruptly stop giggling when she saw that everyone's  faces.

"Did someone died? Is it Ricky? Finally! The douche is gone!!" Jinx exclaimed as she steps out of the rubble. Jinx was suddenly tackled by Diablo.

"Jinx" Diablo softly cried out, only she could hear. Hugging her tighter making sure that she was real. Jinx was stunned for a moment before giggling

"Are you crying?" She asks as she awkwardly returned the hug.

"I thought I lost you" Diablo said as he kiss Jinx.

(AUTHOR: I'm not good in writing kissing scenes or any romantic scenes. Feels weird...)


After that explosive kiss, I was stunned. Too much kissing, my inky black heart can't take it anymore. I gotta admit, he is a good kisser......

My gosh gurl! Get it together! He might me be your next hubby! A voice in my chirped.

What about Stephen, you're replacing him? Another one chirped.

No one can replace Stephen, If he was still here, he wanted you to be happy, he wanted someone to love you and cherish you! Another one chirped.

Jinx [Suicide Squad]Where stories live. Discover now