얽힌 ❈ intertwined

160 43 43

"Jin-hyung," A husky voice resounded among the hollow walls of the dormitory kitchen. Hearing his name being called out, Seokjin took a tiny step backwards to get a closer look at the caller. "I'll step out for a bit."

The elder took the time to examine Namjoon. He wore a caramel shirt underneath his denim trenchcoat, and ripped jeans that matched with his converse. Wrapped around his neck is a grey scarf which a fansite bought for him last Christmas.

"Won't you go watch the movie with others and eat lunch?" Seokjin inquired, revealing his peach apron as he leaned on the door's threshold.

"I won't be able to watch for now, but I'll be back before lunch."

The vocalist ran back to the kitchen counter before returning to give Namjoon a resealable plastic pouch. It contained two slices of bread with ham and cheese as its filling.

"Woah," Namjoon was touchingly astonished at Seokjin's thoughtfulness. He accepted the snack at once and flashed a grateful smile to him. "Thanks for this, hyung!"

The elder bid his farewell before Namjoon walked his way towards the backdoorー taking a little peek at his brothers as he passed by the mini theater.

Once he reached the main road, he pulled over his mask to atleast provide a disguise. The street as of now isn't crowded but the destination it leads to will be.

Far across the distance, Namjoon's vision caught a familiar figure. It was a young boy in his late gradeschool years and he was dribbling a basketball with his dominant hand. A bagpack hang loosely on his other shoulder and he seemed to down to fix it.

"Geonwu!" Namjoon jogged towards the little one, only to be greeted with a defensive glare.

The boy eyed him confusingly but soon enough, he managed to get an idea of Namjoon's identity. "Nam-hyung! You changed your hair!"

His doubtfulness was replaced by an aura of frolic. The rapper bent over to the boy's level and patted his head. "You seem down a while ago."

"It was because of this." The child's face was fraught with disappointment. Heaving an arid sigh, he took out from his bagpack a newly-packed journal. "I got this instead of a snakes and ladders board."

Namjoon's eyes darted to the journal. It had green, Victorian prints with the word Moirai etched on its cover. Though it held a mystical meaning behind it, a child like him doesn't have enough enthusiasm to reckon its significance.

"Where did you get this?" The rapper asked.

Geonwu pointed to a spot that leads to a nearby park, "They had a roulette over there, "

"Let's have a deal then."

The beguiling lad stared at him with curiosity, "What is it?"

Namjoon stood up and fixed his suitーplacing his mask back in his face. "We'll get you want and you'll give me that notebook in return."

Hearing the elder's plan, Geonwu instantly lit up. He fixed his bagpack's position with easeーthanks to the anticipation he is feeling.

"Let's go, hyung!"

Streams of bubbly laughter escaped Namjoon's lips as he witnessed the younger boy's excitement. The latter already led the way towards the park and left him in a dash.

Upon arriving, Namjoon acted more discreet than usual. The least he wants to happen is to cause a commotion or a craze from the media. He kept his gaze lower but his vision alert.

"Over here, hyung!" Amidst the cacophony of discourses, Geonwu's enthusiastic voice caught Namjoon's attention.

The rapper swiftly jogged towards the little boy and there he saw the cause of Geonwu's initial gloom. It was a roulette that hang from a timber stand and attached to it was a signboard where the price for each turn is written.

"For three tries please." Namjoon payed the storekeeper before holding the edge of the roulette. He glanced at the Geonwu and smiled fondly as he saw him closing his eyes to pray.

Carefully, Namjoon spun the wheelーinternally wishing that he won't break another item. He was dubbed as the God of Destruction after all.

First spin, and it was a try again next time.

There was still a sign of hope from the two of them, in contrast to the smug smile plastered on the face of the storekeeper.

At the second spin, the arrow landed on a spot for stationery sets.

"Are you going to take it, sir?"

Namjoon eyed Geonwu and saw his face crammed with hesistance. It took a few seconds before he showed an ambience of determinationーstill sticking up to the jackpot.

A risk-taker, indeed.

Namjoon spun the wheel for the last tryーunfazed at the option they chose. Keeping his eyes on the goal, a block of firmness burgeoning inside of him. He doesn't want to disappoint someoneーmuch more this boy with a promising futureーor do something regretful.

The speed of the roulette diminished second by second. Droplets of sweat and anxious breathing were spent before the arrow halted at the spot they wished for it to be.

They hit the jackpot.

"Hyung, you did it!" Geonwu was overjoyed at the results of their risks and performed a complicated brother hand sign with Namjoon.

After they both pumped their fist, the rapper rephrased, "We did it."

The storekeeper urged the younger to choose from the table where the prizes are placed. He quickly took the snakes and ladders board and hid it inside his bag.

Namjoon and Geonwu sat on a nearby bench and shared their snacks. The latter took the spare time to assemble and observe the pieces of his new game board and as for Namjoon, he received the journal now that the deal was a success.

The rapper spent the passing seconds analyzing the Lilliputian details of his surroundings. There was no harm to return to his abbysal state and recognize the relevance of the small things we deem unimportant in the society.

It was only 10 in the morning but due to it being a Saturday created a huge amount of visitors in the park.

The cherry blossoms fell slowly from the trees as it marked the beginning of autumn. There was a breeze of warmth and frost in the airーtwo contradicting emotions and eonsー giving the season an atmosphere of wistfulness.

Namjoon's fingers trailed at the edge of the journal before he opened it. Its pages were made of a rare type of paper which made it suitable for poetic writing.

He took out his pen from his coat's pocket and started to write,

The withered leaves
are falling,

and so am I

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