Prank plan

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I spend my night talking with Zoey about Chris and of course a little of myself. It was the best because I get to know more about Chris.

I woke up the next day with messages from my human alarm clock. I asked about how his day went again, he said it was great and he showed me some pictures he took. We spend our time being with each other. The feeling was so real as if he's really next to me. Then I asked him when will be he going back to NJ because I really miss him so much. He told me that he will be leaving tomorrow. I was excited and happy.

After awhile, Zoey texted me that she's planning to prank Chris while he came back from Arizona, Zoey keep asking me to ask Chris what time will he be arriving from Arizona to NJ.

"Honey, what time will you be arriving at NJ tomorrow?" I asked.

"I'm not sure baby, why?" He asked.

"Oh nothing, I just want to know only." I replied.

"Why? Are you and Zoey planning on something?" He asked.

"I'm asking because I'm afraid that I might be sleeping or fell asleep while waiting for you, that's why I asked." I said.

Actually, I asked because Zoey wanted to prank him. So I joined Zoey too. I asked how will she be pranking him? Zoey told me that she will buy a pie and she will hide in Chris's apartment. Once Chris is back she will smash the pie onto his face. Seems like a great plan right? I told Zoey that I'm in.

Chris seems suspicious on it, because I asked him what time will he be arriving and reaching his apartment. But he soon to brush off his suspicion because of me. It was really fun joining his sister pranking him. I couldn't wait to know how was his reaction when he got smashed by a pie.


The next day(for Chris), I texted him being his human alarm clock waking him up in the morning. I was excited and happy because he is flying back to NJ!! And most of all, he will get pie faced! I asked him if he had packed his items and be ready for his flight, he told me that he had already packed all and that his flight is around the afternoon.

He didn't reply me for a moment and I asked him what was he doing now.

"I'm lying on my bed" he said.

"Thinking of something." He added.

"Thinking of what?" I asked.

"Thinking of you. Thinking of Zoey. Thinking of Sammy(his dog)" he said.

"I'm smiling like an idiot looking at the ceiling." He added.

"Awwwww" I said.

Honestly, when he said that, I was smiling like an idiot too. Because I was thinking about him too. Time flies so fast that it was already in the afternoon in Arizona, he told me that he will be heading to the airport and fly back to NJ. I felt a little sad cause he won't be using his phone until he lands in NJ. But he told me not to be sad or else he'll be sad too, so I told him that I won't be sad and that I'll be happy.

I tried to stay up but I was so sleepy and tired, I told Zoey that I'll be heading to sleep cause I was really sleepy. I went to bed while Zoey prepares for her prank on Chris.

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