The beginning

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Jessabell and her mom Debbie sit in the drive way of there new home. The house is not as big as there old house they shared with her father. The house is perfect for her and her mom. It's on a beautiful property that's lush with deep, thick grass and tree's. Right at the end of the culdesac. Way better than the crowded city they lived in with dad.

As I walk into the house a surreal feeling comes over me. I would never imagine I would be in a new house just me and mom. My senior year a new school , new everything. This is going to be good fresh start for us both I know it. I call out "hey mom! Come in here please" I know this isn't easy for her. As she walks in I watch her carefully. Hey hun what's up? she ask. I just get up and give her a hug, I know she needs it. She hugs me tight, we both don't say anything but she knows I'm here for her through this crazy time in our lives.

A couple hours later everything is in the house. Everything is not unpacked but we're done for the day. I suggest we watch a movie and order pizza. Horror movies and pizza sound like a perfect night to me. Mom's not the biggest fan of my movie choice but is a good distraction. So we watch movies till late and call it a night at 2am.

I wake up as the sun starts to come through the Windows, I can't help but to lay and think about dad. I wonder what he's up to or if he's even thinking of us. I doubt it. Mom's still sleeping so I'll just make some coffee and clean up last night's pizza.

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