Raven Reyes (Gif)

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Raven when you take the blame for killing the grounders to save Finn, because you know how much Raven (the girl you love) Loves him, Wanting her happiness to continue and knowing that'd be impossible is it we're to be Finn

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Raven when you take the blame for killing the grounders to save Finn, because you know how much Raven (the girl you love) Loves him, Wanting her happiness to continue and knowing that'd be impossible is it we're to be Finn. Unknowing that she would be distraught when you die because she did in fact return the feelings. So when Clarke walked over you saw in her eyes that she was going to make your death less painful, her being the only one except Octavia to have you admit your feelings about Raven to. So when her feet were parallel to yours, you whisper your last words into her ear.

'Tell her that I'll always love her'

she nods and slides a dagger into your stomach with tears streaming down her face as you feel your life fading away.

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