It erected

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Midoriya's POV

I felt that I'm supposed to save my teammate. So I don't get why Uraraka feels guilty :/

I felt someone staring straight at me from my side view. I turned to find out that it was Todoroki who was staring at me.

I blushed. Hard.

Just by staring at him, I can already feel that my manhood erected. I ,of course, immediately turned to looked away before he finds out. Or so I thought.

He continued staring.

"Ah... damn it! It's getting worse. What if he notices it? Shit..." (cough cough u get what's he's tryna say rite🌚🌚)

He's starting to walk towards me. I pretended that I didn't notice. I didn't dare to look at him, before my erection gets even worse.

He tapped my shoulder lightly. Whispered into my ear, "Oi.." I blushed harder but tried to cover up by looking down. "Did your d*ck just ere-" I ran away before he could continue. "Gahh! That's so embarrassing!!! >///<" I thought to myself, flustered.

Todoroki's POV

I was staring at him. He looked back at me. I swear, I nearly got an erection. Nearly. Did he just erec- nevermind. I walked towards him, and tapped his shoulder.

"Oi.." I whispered into his ear. Is it just me or can I see smoke coming out of his head? Anyway, I continue my question. "Did your d*ck just ere-"

He ran away ._.

As he ran, he cupped his face, ears red. Is he..blushing? That can't be true. After all, this is a one-sided love.
Eyy! :) That's it for this chapter! >♡< Hope you liked it
Cough cough he got an erection eyy? 🌚 And he thinks it's a one-sided love? Are you dumb(jk) :< u 2 feel the same way for each other omg :< I feel sad (even thought I'm the one writing the story lmao😂)

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