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It was a long day.

With Connor.

And, as soon as I got home I was face to face with dad.

"Where were you?" He glared.

"Out?" I laughed and grabbed a can of coke from the fridge.


"What is it, 21 questions?" I sat at the kitchen table.

My dad put down his laptop screen.

He looked at me.

"Connors bad, you know, he'll hurt you."


How did he know?

Did he see us?

"Connors not bad, dad he's funny, he's genuine and he's a nice person."

Dad sighed.

"Princess, he wants you for one thing. He's going to hurt you. He's bad for you. "

I rolled my eyes.

I took my can and walked out.

"And do you know what's bad for you? What's going to hurt you? Alcohol."

I yelled, before slamming the kitchen door.

I ran to my room and laid myself on the bed.

I hated arguing with my dad.

He can't tell me who's bad and who's good.

He knows nothing.

He's just a stupid teacher.

"Princess, open the door." I took the head phones out of my ears and walked to the door, unlocking it.

I lied back down on the bed and sighed.

I hated doing the father daughter after argument talk.

"I'm sorry chick, listen, if you get close to Connor, fine. Just don't let him break you."

Dad laid next to me.

"He won't, I won't let him."


He hugged me tight.


He nodded.

"Stop with the alcohol."

Dad nodded and kissed my forehead.

"I love you."

Monday soon came around.

I changed into a black skirt, with a light pink sweatshirt.

I put on my knee high socks, which actually came up to mid thigh.


I slipped on my shoes and checked myself in the mirror.

I looked hot, not going to lie.

I ruffled with my hair and left it's natural brunette waves fall just past my chest.

I ran down stairs and picked up my bag.

I jumped out the door and locked it.

I walked to the car and got in.

"Just to let you know dad, were giving Connor a lift." I instructed.

I pointed to Connor, who stood outside his house.

Dad looked at me.

I smiled and he rolled his eyes.

He began driving towards Connor.

Connor got in.

"Morning Mr Kingsley."

My dad rolled his eyes once again.

"Good morning Ball."

What a way to greet someone.

That meant he didn't like Connor, by the way.

Yes, he does call all students by their last name in class.

But, if he liked you, he would call you by your first name outside of class.

Thank god Connor didn't know that.

The car shared silence as my dad pulled out of our street.

"So how come you aren't walking to school this morning with your gang?"

Oh god dad.

"Actually, I asked if he wanted a lift."

I smiled at Connor through the mirror.

My dad huffed.

"This is not a permanent thing."

Jesus, this guy needs to chill it's only a drive to school.

It's not like we had to pick him up from a different country.



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