1 - Colorless

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A shiver ran through Nell's body at her dark and unfamiliar surroundings. Not often did Nell leave the house alone, and she didn't know the town well.

Ianthe had been gone for hours and Nell didn't know how to be without her sister. Even before their parents' death, the two girls never parted.

So when Nell woke without her sister by her side and remained that way until dinner, she became concerned. Ianthe would have told her sister if she'd been planning to leave for so long. And she'd never leave Nell without protection if she didn't have a good reason.

Nell itched at the leather armor around her arms as she stood at a junction of two alleys. Her sister had been the one to suggest the hard leather pieces that fit around her legs, forearms, and chest for protection. There had been other pieces as well, but when Nell refused to wear the chest plate or helmet, her sister sold them.

The dark brown stood out against her white dress, but Nell didn't mind the odd looks she sometimes received. The dress belonged to her mother, and Nell would wear it for that reason alone even if it wasn't so pretty.

A bell somewhere struck eight, and Nell shivered again. Perhaps leaving had been a bad idea. If Ianthe came home to an empty room, she'd panic.

Then again, there was something freeing about being outside. Even more so when she was alone. The wind caught her hair and skirts, and Nell reveled in the fresh air and the sweet scent of spring.

More than anything, she wanted to run. Ianthe never let her run. She knew it was for her own good, but her legs ached with the desire to go fast.

Nell paused again. Her sister wasn't around. If she wanted to run, what was holding her back? Though Nell loved her sister and rarely disobeyed, she couldn't smother that tiny spark of rebellion that spurred in her at the thought of the wind in her hair.

The ache in her legs became painful as she tried to hold still. Before her, the road stretched out into the dark. A few lanterns lit the way to highlight the lack of obstacles and smooth stones. What danger could there be in running a block or two? She'd watch her step.

Gathering her skirt up around her thighs, Nell took a deep, bracing breath. The cool air calmed her nerves about going against Ianthe's wishes. She'd never even know it happened.

Somewhere in the distance she could hear the nighttime gallantry of a pub, but her road remained abandoned. Nell was glad she was alone as she broke into a clumsy jog. Her legs were weak; they always had been. And her movements were shaky and unfamiliar. She stumbled once, but soon her feet hit the ground in a steady rhythm and she increased her pace.

A laugh broke through her lips at her awkward freedom. Sure she looked like a fool, or at least she felt like one. No one could see her, and Nell could act as foolish as she wanted.

Something caught her foot, and Nell tumbled. She dropped her skirts, both arms shooting out to catch her fall. A shout of surprise joined her own scream as she hit the ground.

The sharp sting of pain on her palms and knee was nearly as unfamiliar to Nell as her short sprint had been. Sheltered and protected, Nell didn't often get hurt.

"Are you alright, miss?" a male voice asked her.

Nell didn't know how to answer that. Her entire body shook and her heart pounded, and she didn't know if she was terrified or exhilarated. A mad laugh broke the silence, and Nell didn't even know why she laughed. The situation wasn't funny.

"I guess you must be if you can laugh about it," he said, and she saw his shadow as he bent down next to her. A hand touched her shoulder. "Not hurt then? I didn't mean to trip you. I just..." His voice trailed off, and Nell soon realized why. A hand reached out to touch her knee where her skin had scraped against the cobblestones. In the light of the lantern above them, they could both see the almost sliver blood beading on her skin.  "Colorless," he mumbled, speaking to himself.

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