15 - Yellow-Bellied

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[Picture of Kaden by PaigeyLou]


Nell didn't like Lettie. The blonde set a tea pot on the table with a warm smile in her direction that Nell returned with a glare. "Would you help me get the tea cups out?" she asked. "It's hard for me to bend down."

Holding back an irritated sigh, Nell knelt to the cupboards that Lettie pointed out and produced three delicate teacups and saucers. She set them on the table and watched Lettie pour the tea as slow as possible. Every second that the tea slowly filled the ceramic cup, filled Nell with impatience.

"Milk and sugar?" Lettie asked once the cups were full.

"No," Raleigh said, showing as much discomfort as Nell. She pulled the tea to her side of the table, but did not drink from it. "I take it Cyran told you?"

Lettie poured milk and sugar into her drink and Nell's before answering. "If not him, your blind friend would have."

"Kaden's an ass," Nell blurted, tired of waiting to find out Lettie's intentions. If she wanted to yell at Raleigh, she could do it. "We already know that. What do you want?"

Despite the tension on Raleigh's face, the corner of her lips twitched into a partial smile at Nell's words. "Look, I have no interest in Cyran."

Lettie took a careful sip of her hot tea. Her cheeks were pink. "So you don't love him?"

"He is a very close friend. But there is no danger of me falling for him." Raleigh crossed her arms in a defensive stance. "I don't know what Cyran told you, but we're on the road a lot, and it was only done out of boredom or...comfort I suppose. And it did not happen that often. We've always been only friends."

Lettie didn't look convinced. "I'm not mad at you."

"Well you shouldn't be mad at me. I did nothing wrong; I made you no promises. It's Cyran who broke his vows."

Nell set her teacup down a little too loud, and both women looked up at her. Her cheeks warmed. "It's not Cyran's fault he was forced into a marriage he didn't want."

Lettie's blush matched Nell's. "I was in the same situation as him," she mumbled, her eyes were on her tea, slowly spinning in another cube of sugar. She looked sad. Nell almost felt sorry for being rude. "What's Cyran like?" Lettie asked after another minute of awkward silence. "I don't really know him very well."

"You don't have to worry," Raleigh assured her. "You can't find a better man than Cyran. He's sweet and strong and good. He'll be a good husband, and he'll be an excellent father."

When Lettie narrowed her eyes at the teal-haired woman, Raleigh breathed a sharp sigh. She planted her hands on the table, but before the teal-haired woman could speak, Lettie interjected. "Thank you, Raleigh. That's good to hear. I have...just another inquiry...It's...well..." She gave a small laugh at herself and stood up. "I have cake if you would like some."

Lettie grabbed a knife and pound cake from the cupboards before either woman could protest and cut them each a slice. As curious as Nell was about her next questions, it had been so long since she'd had something sweet to eat. Even sugar in her tea was a luxury Nell did not grow up with since her parents died. She took a fork to the cake before Raleigh could prompt Lettie to continue talking.

"If there's something you need to ask about Cyran-"

"There is," Lettie sat back down. She began the tedious task of pulling the cake apart with her fork, crumb by crumb. "I was virtuous when I married Cyran, as is expected of a man's bride. But now I'm at a disadvantage in our relationship. I don't think I could compare to...what he's now used to."

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