What I Want

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Envisioned from a women's point of view



    A word that is used to describe an urge to have something, feel something…...be something. Not many people can get what they want, even what they need. The problem is racism, sexism, rapists, and greedy ass bitches whose only life ambitions is to get a mansion and a mail order russian bride that they can fuck when confirmation hasn't been given. But maybe its this fucked up economy or these corrupt mysogynistic pedofiles who hold positions of power in office and business. It's the people who feel as if the world revolves around them but it doesn't.

   Think, you are one in 7 billion, the thing we call a sun is millions of times larger than the vast place we live in, the sun is small compared to some others there are billions in our milky way it could go on for ages but we can’t because there's millions of victims who need attention.

   At least one 16 year old is being molested by a stranger in an alley on an ice patch yeah, no one likes that! Did she say yes? She didn't say anything! So? She agreed with her clothes? No, I didn't think so bro, so put on your belt this innocent girl shouldn't have been felt. I hope you melt in the deep depths of hell or rot in a cell! Just let the people decide, yeah, your going away, maybe? Did you know that you could do time? But you might just get lucky.

   Only 1 in 100 rapes reported get to trial, even there the jury is in denial because there wasn't “enough” evidence to back up the victim, scratch that, the women whose word is just a true as when you say the sky is a shade of motherfucking blue.

  Who needs to worry about that when there's those faggots in the factories giving each other blow jobs just because they “didn't” work enough and their boss has been bitchin’ that his daughter has been missing, she been working Main Street just to get a sandwich, she's probably dead bitch like a glitch in the worldwide mainframe of human beings that are fleeing and fearing fake fairies. The boss hasn't paid the bills yet! Now they get to live on the street and sell themselves just to get some money so they can buy some meals, satisfy their hunger, until another man comes along for him to have ”fun” with.

   Bullshit is what thats called, they’re judged and beaten just so that they can get a feeding. That story will continue but what about me and what I want. I have what I need it doesn't mean I don't get screwed over like the others! They got dealt the rotten hand.

   I’ve got dignity and pride it's something that's alive within your heart, and your brain, your soul, and your spleen but it can be ruined but a single look, or a touch, or a feel, all of which have torn me to pieces. Only now I'm starting to put them back together but for what I'm just going to get torn apart again buy a sick son of a bitch with no morals. If I tell I'll be called a slut, a whore, a hoe, a THOT, but for what? Just cause I was dressing how I damn well pleased did not give you a free pass to get a ride, especially not when I'm out of my house with my friends, but you did.

   You cannot spy or sneak because bitch I woke the fuck up and I know everything you sick fuck was doing. I have the evidence but your only a child, you'll get out of juvie when your 19 and then back to raping innocent kids in the street and moms who are on their way to pick up their kids from soccer practice on a Wednesday in the park!  

   So I'll get my own justice! I'll hold off till I come over again to hang with your sister but when your asleep I'll do something even more twisted, I'm gonna be the modern Charles Manson. I'll sneak down the steps, put on my sluttiest clothes, and I'll surprise you. I'll offer myself to you something you can't and won't refuse but just as you touch my lips here comes the mother fucking surprise bitch.

    I've been waiting for months building my anger and frustration for this very moment I've used it to propel me and encourage me, that burning sensation, but I am smarter than you think and don't need any more help so I might as well return the favor with a big fat fist to your temple. Now you may think this is over well your quite wrong I know you have anger issues. We don't have time for that….fuck I dont have time for your stupid ass bullshit… the fuck….who do you think you are. Your gonna fight back but I'm not going to give up. I’ll pin you to the bed or the floor and beat you till you cant fight back anymore, no, I won't kill you just make you cry at least when you wake up from your coma,  given a little time…. hey I'll claim self defense. You can't even try to stop me, you will not succeed because bitch I'm taking the mother fucking lead!

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