Slut ( send me your thoughts )

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I come to school expecting to learn, but no, I chose the wrong clothes. Today, I woke up just minutes before the bus and I didn't have time to reread the dress code to see if I fit within the unrealistic requests. So, my floor was my wardrobe and I found some black yoga pants and my usual school sweatshirt. I was unsure when I got on the bus and the people began to chatter, I'd never worn these pants before and they were pretty tight, I mean you could see my stupid underwear line. Then I walk into school I'd done my hair on the bus we hit several bumps, so it ended up being a messy bun, I got some weird looks!

The first thing I hear when I walk in the door isn't math, reading, or science it's, look how tight they are. I stop in my tracks and look towards a desk to the left of me, the administrators sitting there shut their mouths and looked like they were deer in my headlights. I begin walking to my locker, I put my things away, and as I shut the door I get catcalled by the biggest jock in school, but no one cares because it's normal.

Normal, now let that sink in. It's normal for 12-year-old girls to be verbally harassed by guys daily and no one is doing or saying anything to stop it.

This is just the start for the guys, they'll go onto following women in the street, attacking them, and forcing them into sexual acting in which they did not give consent. In what world would this, should this be normal! Yes. it is illegal but many incidents with go without consequences, maybe even your dad did something like this.

Now it's homeroom I sit down and my ass is being cupped into the hand of the same guy that catcalled me minutes before. I shoot up. I am about to tell him off when his best friend comes along and is gripping a plump air butt. I don't even understand why that's a thing. I realize it's not worth it, so I go and tell my female teacher. All she says is boys will be boys, move my seat, and write a report. I know something probably won't be done because how are you supposed to correct a behavior that society fights but really they subtly feed into rape culture daily and don't tell me that shit isn't real. Tell me why my best friend in fourth grade was felt! It's more than society, it's the schools as well, you know the last people you'd expect to do this sort of thing!

It's now lunch. I'm told to change my pants! At last, something I was expecting to happen the second I heard those teachers talking. I'm not relieved, I'm annoyed! I ask why and they say, We read your report, this is the solution. I hear the same thing again from a woman someone who should understand that that's bullshit boys will be boys. What does that even mean?

They are about to announce over the microphone that there will be an assembly later that day, but you know I'm so fucking fed up with these adults that are proving that the dress code is shit! I grab the microphone, no, I'm only getting started. The vice principal tries to get it back, my language arts teacher holds her back, I hear her mutter "Sshhhh! This is going to be awesome!" They both sit down and I begin ranting, "Hey. everybody! Most of you know me, my name is Elena. You see these pants that I'm wearing. What's so wrong with them? Are they too tight? Are they too revealing? Are they saying something? So tell me, what are they? What are they saying? Raise your hand and I'll call on you!" Four people raise their hands. Three of which are guys the other a girl. I call on her she says "They are perfectly fine". I call on the air butt guy he says and I quote "Consent". Many of the guys near him start laughing. I chuckle and run onto the stage, I pull forward a table, and hop on it. Still chuckling I bring the microphone up to my lips and say, "Wow! Who hurt you!?" I put the whole lunchroom in laughter. I call on the jock who says they're too tight. I respond by shoving my hand down the side of my pants and pulling out as far as I can, I say, I think that they are just right and they clearly aren't tight. I call on the last hand, a guy who catcalls me constantly but he's my friend so it's fine, by that I mean I don't care. He says, They are hot! I respond by saying, "Hit on someone your own size!" jokingly.

Now look at my peers' answers, compare male to female. Think really hard. Why are they perfectly fine by one gender and sexy by the other?

Now adults time for you to answer, what do you think? The principal answers saying, They are distracting and the janitor says They are too revealing. I smile and say "god damn now look, the adults aren't divided, they have the same views. You know they were us at one point or another.

I was told by two adults today that guys will be guys. That there's nothing they could do about it. Really aren't you just encouraging it, by letting it pass without punishment, it is not okay. When they are adults, they may get arrested meanwhile you'll claim that you are trying to stop us from getting into trouble in the future! But only for physical assault, what happened to the sexual assaults that they may go away for!

Now you Mr. Jock McCockerpants, what are you wearing? Stand up, come up here". He came up by me, I examined his clothes and started listing things flip-flops, muscle shirt (I mean fabric sandwich board I don't need to see your entire fucking stomach.) "Have you been told to change?" I ask him. I put the microphone up to his mouth and he says, "No". I pull my entire body together and stomp my foot really hard, I shook the table. I said, Everyone is going to answer this one. Who thinks he is dressing against the code? Maybe half of the people raised their hand. A person in the front stood up and said, Every guy dresses like that. I responded with, "Exactly! And they aren't told to do anything about it! Now the second I am wearing something on the verge of inappropriate or in violation. I am pulled from class and given clothes I have to wash and bring back or I'm fined. My parents are even affected by this stupid ass bullshit. Even my education is affected! Then you yell at me when I'm failing my courses due to the fact that you think I'm distracting! I hate it so stop it! I'm not changing but you know what Mrs. I'm such a great principal no offense go bring me all of the clothes from the nurse Now go". She leaves. I wrote an essay on this. The door opens and every single student is being led into the cafeteria.. I welcome them and I jump down and start walking around. Why am I persecuted just because of my body? Why should I be told by female teachers that nothing can be done? This is the root of all of our problems! No, I'm not saying you should get rid of them I'm just saying make it fucking equal.. The principal walks in with a heap of clothes I say, Great! and run towards them I say, Great! Who's ready to get dressed coded? They laugh. "I'm serious here, so stop laughing! Okay, guys go to the right side, girls go to the left. You have 15 seconds". No one budges. "Now!" They move and are now separated! I say, "Girls have fun, talk, socialize! Boys, I'll take you!" I point to the first guy in the table closest to me. He comes up I change anything that violates that sacred text I've read every morning for years. I've followed it, hell, last time I was coded was in fourth grade I go through guy, after guy, after guy until lunch is over and I'm left with the last violation Mr. Jock McCockerpants I say, Wait!, and I grab the last thing in the bin. A scratchy wool vest and a pair of two-inch stilettos. I send them on their way but I'm still ranting. Most of it I can't copy down because it was way too graphic. Now it will continue, but please try to be even. Throughout the year more males got coded and it continued throughout the district! Someone recorded the whole ordeal and people took it to heart. But the solution is still in the garbage and us girls are still labeled as sluts!

* If you like this please vote and share this with friends. For this Slam Poem especially I want to do a big video shoot for it having a ton of people and really kind of making it into almost a short film/slam poetry mix. So please I need to have a ton of people reading this so I can have supporters and an actual audience for this. Thank You!*

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