Dear Mr. Trump

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Seen from my eyes


Dear Mr. Trump! I'm gonna be clear with my views and what I say so don't fear if you are burt out of existence, I mean you're almost already there with your fake ass spray tans. How can I trust you as president when you objectify women, tell them I'm gonna grab you by the pussy. Now you have my life in your hands but you drop me because you need to sign a bill you haven't even read yet then go roast others on twitter. Yeah, that's basically your entire life. Just sayin', sidenote. Just because your insecure doesn't mean that you aren't wrong. Like what about China? Oh! They made global warming, bitch where in what world or are you just an ignorant stupid asshole who thinks too highly of himself?

How am I supposed to trust you when you are a racist?

How am I supposed to trust you when you say you don't like gays?

How am I supposed to trust you when you threatened to throw my best friend across the border!?

Now ponder this Mr. Trump, how can you deport people when you have a wall. You are just so small minded you think that illegal immigrants only come from Mexico, no! We have them from Canada, Britain, really everywhere in the world and America is their ticket out of hell. But, NO! Let's just throw them back because shit we didn't say they could live here! Maybe this is hell and everywhere else is heaven... because you're here, and it really is side note it really is, he's just an asshole.

Mr. Trump use your brain for a second and think really hard, we are supposed to be the land of the free and home of the brave but we are still divided but race, age, color, religion, sexuality, gender, and everything in between. Instead of worrying about 'Fake News' focus on my 84 cents to your dollar. Yeah, it's really not fair we have to work harder just to be as comfortable as my male counterparts, who like you only see me for my lady parts!

I have a brain that is smaller than yours but im 129% certain that you lack the knowledge of many things, that I learned in 1st grade! That's not going to happen anymore because you know my education isn't important so lets lower the budget! Schools are already broke enough now your just gonna rid them of their pockets.

Coming from me only a small child in a big world, my voice isn't heard unlike yours, but I still use mine for good rather than being a bully to billions of people, yet your still leading. I want to see you give up your throne, apologize to many people and people's, then give up your fight I want you to donate most of your money because no one needs that much dough when there's citizen, veterans, and children living in artificial houses under bridges in boston or in a box in between dumpsters going to bed hungry every night. Yet! You buy whatever the fuck you damn well please even if it means your feeding into the drug trade and human trafficking, which mind you most likely wouldn't exist if you donated a billion and while your at it send in your resignation letter fo life, TODAY, because you didn't win popular vote, NO! It's only because of electoral college which evens it out but for it to be imbalances is rigged to make the government corrupt and scandalous.

Now you won and that's that, but now that your in office, where are the things that you promised? Oh! Wait, I forgot they were campaign promises! No one fulfills them! That's how you won is stupid ass gimmicks that were too great not to take! Now that you're there people don't want you because you're an asshole, yeah, no one loves you! Not even your wife that you bought, you bought, you bought or your children...... the fuck! I would gladly take Hillary to any of this Trump bullshit! Yeah get out of the oval office nobody likes you! I'll say it again no one likes you, no one! Oh! Wait! Nobody wants you except your corrupt conservative congress!

So, tell me this Mr. Trump how's your daughter that you'd date? YEAH! I hope her real dad fucks up your face! If that's even possible I mean you are the result of a threesome gone wrong with an.... and I'm serious here, an orange, corn, and brussel sprouts, like literally no joke like ahh they made a human....... they just birthed him out of nowhere...... it's really graphic when you think about it........ really graphic.......he's just really ugly and disgusting....... I just wanna spit you out on the sidewalks, yeah, I hear the side talk it'll be soon now your victims will come forward, then we'll truly be free! But for now just go the fuck away! Let me be!

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