The Sacred Book

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When you hear 'Sacred Book' you most likely think about The Bible, The Qur'an, The Torah, The Talmud, The Veda, The Agamas, The Book of Mormon, and for a few The Spider and The Green Butterfly. You may take it as a metaphor for important or view changing scientific documents like; Quantum Theory: Max Planck, Einstein, Neils Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrodinger, Max Born, Paul Dirac, 1900-1926, Evolution by natural selection: Charles Darwin, 1859, Heliocentrism: Copernicus, 1543, but it's a metaphor for something entirely different.

It is a text that girls age 6-18 read at least once a year, in some cases and places every single day just to see if what they choose to express themselves with that day fits within guidelines so they aren't victimized by ruthless guys, who think they're asking for it. Or adults that think they're distracting, that they guys are googly-eyed by an extra inch of skin that is exposed because there isn't enough fabric to cover any fraction of what's considered attractive.

The guys would rather look down than look at nine-year-olds shoulders. They tell the girl to stop expressing themselves, to slip into a mold in which they do not fit because they are made of more than societies liquid poise. These girls are made of confidence and self-worth, but this single sheet of paper fed into our already empty stomachs tears us down to the ground even further. It tells us you cant be sexy and you can't be beautiful because the boys can't control themselves. They just help themselves. What have they done to stop this hunger that these already full stomachs that the men possess? Nothing! There is no consequence to their actions! There is no sign telling, telling them to stop! There is no adult telling them that these feelings are normal! That there are healthy and moral ways to express it, ways that don't undress it! No one says this is healthy! SO the girls are left with the consequences; emotional damage and no freedom of expression. Many of these same girls end up mentally unstable with depression, anxiety, anorexia, bulimia, and so much more! But really what are they crying and fasting for? Lost confidence, lost self-worth, and lost pride! Why is it this unfair? Why do we have to look back at this sacred text day and night? Why is the world so corrupt and messed up that we need dress codes?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2018 ⏰

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