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Since Tony had put Jarvis into lockdown mode, he had no alarms set to wake the two at 7am - Tony's usual wake up call time. When the AI finally decided to open the windows and let the bright Malibu sunlight pour into the bedroom, Pepper began to stir. It had been a long night, so she had slept like a rock.

As she shifted and her mind woke up, she became more aware of her situation. The pain in her leg came shooting back up her side, reminding her of what happened the night before. She stared up at the ceiling and winced; she didn't want to turn over in case it pulled at the bandage, but she couldn't, either. Tony's head was using her chest as a pillow, despite the pile of three spare cushions behind his body. Pepper's lips curved up into a smile as she analyzed him; he was snoring slightly, his mouth thinly open, and he was curled up on his side with his knees brushing her leg. It was completely new to her; she had seen him this way, with the sheets tangled up around his bare ass, on many occasions...but even now, just in his pajama bottoms, he seemed like an entirely different person. The sarcastic, narcissistic playboy was still there, but there was something more...heart.

It was then, while she was studying him, that she noticed his state. He had blood smeared along his fingernails and his jawline; probably hers. A cut was trailed along his lip and his forehead, which she noticed the night before. The arm that was lying across her stomach was burned from her attempted attack with the repulsor, and his hand seemed in pretty bad shape as well; he must have patched up a prior wound, as it was bound by medical tape around the knuckles. She traced the tape with her index finger, frowning. He looked so tough during the days, even if he was in a mood, but while he was asleep, he looked almost...fragile. Pepper felt her heart ache as she realized she'd never fully be able to help him. He'd come home looking worse than this and there would be nothing she could do. She loved his change of soul and his dedication to Iron Man, but she hated it at the same time.

Maybe it was the pain or maybe she realized how much she actually cared, but Pepper caught herself trying to choke down the burning in her throat; she couldn't cry in front of Tony, asleep or not. She could silently blame herself for it all if she wanted, but she couldn't let him find out. She lifted his hand in hers and kissed the bandage over his hand lightly, mentally trying to calm herself back down.

Tony shifted quietly and grunted, groggily waking up and shooting his chocolate puppy eyes up at Pepper from her chest. He smiled as he woke up to her; probably something he hadn't done with a woman in a very long time, if ever.

"Morning," he greeted, his voice low and raspy.

He grinned at her, waiting for a response, but his lips quickly turned down as he saw her blink profusely to try to hide the sadness on her face. He was instantly concerned and propped himself up on his elbow to look her over.

"What's wrong?" he asked, nervous.

She faked a smile. "Nothing. Just hurts."

He nodded slightly, but it was obvious she was lying. Tapping the arc reactor lightly, he thought about what to say to probe it out of her.

"Want some Tylenol?" he asked as a way to buy time.

"I'm hurt but I'm not helpless, Tony," she managed out.

"Right... about breakfast?" he asked next.

Pepper rose an eyebrow at him. "You don't do this often, do you?" she teased.

"What?" Tony asked, grinning again.

He interlaced his fingers with hers and looked at her hand as he rubbed his thumb across the back. She had smooth hands; still as petite as he remembered.

Big Reputation [An Iron Man FanFiction | Pepperony] - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now