Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

I have climbed highest mountains, I have run through the fields only to be with you, only to be with – When my alarm went off I didn’t want to believe it was already time to get up. I looked around and at first I didn’t recognize the room but then reality slapped me hard in the face and there I was. In my room. In London. Waking up on my first day of class. I was actually quite excited to be completely honest. I ended up skipping orientation day (a decision I suspect I’ll regret later on), and Serena and I spent the day roaming around London. I think it was good for me to meet the city I will be spending the most important years of my life in.

After about 30 minutes, I was outside my house waiting for Serena to show up. She wasn’t late, yet, but I was already freaking out about the possibility of being late because if there’s no one thing I hate more than fake people, is being late. Serena was very much aware of this and if she so much as dared to arrive late I would chop off her head with my bear hands. I’m only half joking. Haha. Just when I was about to call her I saw her running down the street, and yes this time she was really running but only because she was wearing flats. She looked quite nice for someone who’s only going to school. White tank top with a stripped skirt and blue flats. She was holding a cardigan in one hand and her purse on the other. I felt quite undressed. I was only a pair of skinny jeans, a white t-shirt and my black converse. And I don’t think I even owned a purse, I just carried my Eastpak everywhere.     

            “Morning love!” she said when she was close enough for me to hear her

            “Morning S. Ready to go?”

            “Yes, but I was thinking…since we still have a little time we’re doing it the            British way today”

            “It being?”

            “We’re going by tube of course”

            “S it’s the first day of school, we will probably get lost and get there late and I      want to try and blend in as much as possible. I don’t need the “New Girl Arrives Late Let’s All Look At The Door And Stare As Much As Possible” entrance.

            “Sav please have you looked at yourself? With that face and that body you’ll make an entrance even if you’re the first person to get to school”

I raised an eyebrow at her, but she grabbed my hand and dragged me down the street anyways, and I kept hoping she knew what she was doing, because I didn’t really want to be late I just wanted to get there as soon as possible.

When we finally got to school, I felt as though I had my heart in my hands. The school was big, much bigger than any of my previous schools. And there were so many people, walking around, people from every country talking to each other, probably gossiping about summer. I felt so out of place as we walked towards this big pavilion, which Serena later told me it was called MPH (Multi-Purpose Hall). We passed by a swimming pool, and then a soccer field and then we were finally there. The thing was huge. It had a big stage at the front, and the whole place was decorated with blue Lion paws, and posters with stuff like “Welcome Back Lions!”. There were people wearing blue T-shirts everywhere. Speaking of people I had never seen so many people in my life. All the four bleachers were packed with people. There were at least a hundred chairs on the floor of the MPH and there were all filled as well. There were still people coming in, and at some point they all started to sit on the floor to watch whatever was bound to happen soon. Several people came and said hi to Serena and then quickly introduced themselves to me but quite honestly I don’t remember any of their names.

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