Chapter Thirteen

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"Wait, so you're telling me he didn't even greet you?" Serena asked, suprise evident in her tone.

"Yeah he kind of just walked past me. He did wave though"

"Excuse me, he waved? Are we back in 4th grade or something, what is this?!"

"I don't know"

I suddenly felt my phone vibrating in my back pocket. I grabbed it and looked at the caller ID.

"It's him"

"Well go ahead then, answer him"

Serena and I were back at her house and I wasn't too sure why he was even calling me after today. The other times I saw him after lunchtime he did the exact same thing, and to be quite honest I had a feeling he was calling with the usual "We need to talk" line. And we all know where that usually ends.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone.

"Hey hayete, where are you?" he said. He sounded a bit out of breath like he had been running somewhere.

"I'm home lol with Serena..."

"Weren't we supposed to walk home together? I have been looking for you for over an hour now"

"Well I wasn't really sure of wether you were mad at me or something haha"

"What?" he screamed at the phone, "Why would I be mad at you? I were with your friends I didn't know wether you wanted me to come greet you or not"

"Well you're my boyfriend, you should at least say hi and then go back to your friends"

"I...I...Sav-" he was breathing heavily which was obviously affecting his ability to speak

"Theo, where are you?"

"I'm still at school" more heavy breathing, "I'm just a little out of shape that's all" Yet more heavy breathing.

"Well text me, or call me when you're alright to talk properly, okay?"

"No wait Sav I can talk now"

I hung up the phone. I wasn't really mad at him, not really. It was certainly weird but I knew I was his girlfriend and he doesn't have much experience with the whole dating thing. He was just pratically impossible to talk to now anyways.

"What did he say?" Serena asked. She painted her nails a very bright pink and I found myself wondering why would anyone use such bright colors on her nails. I only had one nailpolish. And it was black. Everything else was just too...bright.

"Stop judging my nails, for fucks sake" I looked up at her face again. She was looking at her nails how did she even kn-

"How do I know? Please. You must think we just met or something. Now spill, what did the pretty boy say?"

"He said he didn't know if he was supposed to say hi or not. I don't know he was out of breath so we didn't talk much"

"That's stupid how do you not know? Yeah he never had a girlfriend but I'm pretty sure you just know you're supposed to greet your girlfriend even if it's just for 2 minutes when you see her"

I didn't say anything. I knew Serena was right I just didn't want to admit it to myself. No matter how hard I tried to fight it, everything people kept telling me, everyone that kept warning me...they were all getting in my head. I know that when you like someone, nothing else matters but what if this was just him trying to get with me? What if he didn't want even to be with me anymore? There were endless possibilities as to why he was acting this way. I decided to wait until he called back instead of imagining scenarios that could or not happen.

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