Chapter 11: Threats

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Laurens POV

Right after Camila left the room, Lucy immediately closes the door as she approaches my desk.
I resist the urge to laugh at her patched up nose from the time I punched her face.

I glared at her hard as I clenched my jaw.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" I hiss out angrily.
I'm trying my best to keep my hands by my side because right now I'm itching to punch her face....again.

Lucy sighs out dejectedly as she rolls her eyes.
"Oh c'mon Lauren. Are you seriously still mad about that? I was thinking you'd be at my house to get me back by now."

My eyes widen ever so slightly as I stare at the asshole standing in front of me in disbelief.
She must be fucking stupid if she thinks I'm going to take her back.

"Really? Really Lucy? You fucking cheated on me! On our anniversary! And you expect me to just be calm about this and 'take' you back?" I burst out angrily.

She shrugs her shoulders as her lips curl up into a small smile, her eyes looking at me innocently but I know that there's nothing innocent about this piece of shit in front of me.
"Um... Yeah?" She replies back in a 'duh' tone.

I purse my lips as I nod my head, humming before looking down at my feet to calm myself from lashing out on her.
"Yeah? You really think I'll take you back?" I ask again only to receive yet another nod from her.

I immediately burst out laughing, clutching my stomach as I laugh at her offended face.
HA! This bitch better not be serious.

After calming myself down, I raise my eyebrows at her.
"Oh... You were serious?" I say as I try to refrain myself from laughing again.

She scowls at me and moves forward where we're right in front of each other and glares into my eyes.
"This is not funny Lauren. Just cut the shit already. I know you're dying inside without me." She says angrily.

I narrow my eyes, tilting my head as I stare challengingly into her dull eyes.
"I don't need you. So fuck off." I say with a mocking smile, even going for extra measures as poking her shoulders.

I see Lucy tensing and has this unreadable look in her eye.
All of sudden I feel her lips being shoved against mine, she doesn't have a chance to move her lips because I'm immediately shoving her off far away with a harsh slap to her face.
"Ow!" She yelps as she holds her face.

Giving her my death glare, I wipe my mouth quickly like I just got the most disgusting thing smeared across it—well.. I did.. So it doesn't make a difference.
I see Lucy's offended expression and I scoff after wiping my mouth.

Pointing my finger at her face, I spit out angrily.
"Don't you ever fucking do that again.. Cause I swear to god I am going to throw a chair against your face if you do again." I warn her as I watch her shrink in her place.

She runs a hand through her hair and throws her hands up.
"I'm sorry okay! How many times do I have to say it?" She says unenthusiastically.

I scoff angrily and clench my jaw.
"How many times do I have to say that I don't give a shit about your fake ass apology! And that reminds me..... I don't give a shit about your fake ass apology."

I see Lucy intake a deep breath as she massages her temples then all of a sudden, she smirks at me making me confused at the way she's staring at me mischievously.

Still wearing her stupid smirk, she tilts her head as she sends me a look.
"So..... Camila huh?"

I feel my eyes widening before coughing to regain my composure. Trying to remain cool on the outside when I'm practically shitting myself on the inside.

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