Chapter 17: Last Time

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I cleared my throat, dropping her hand as I smiled a little at her.
"Uh.. Thanks know? Helping me...." I say, talking about earlier. Scratching my neck awkwardly because of the whole situation.

She shook her head and smiled.
"Its you okay though?" She says, concern written across her features as she gazed into my eyes intently.

I shifted around on my feet, suddenly feeling shy as I bit my lip sheepishly.
Watching how her eyes glanced down at my lips which—mind you— made me even more shy.

What the fuck? I've never been shy around girls before.

"U-Uh.. Yeah. I'm p-perfectly fine." I stuttered out, cursing to myself because seriously!? First I'm shy and now I'm stuttering? This is so wrong.

She smirked a little and I decided to change the subject.
"Uh. I haven't seen you around." I say as I raised my eyebrows at her questioningly.

She nods her head, shrugging her shoulders as her mouth quirked up a little to a small smile.
"Yeah. I'm new here. Senior." She proudly stated with a smile, her dimples showing and I smirk slightly at that.

I raised my eyebrows before grinning at her.
"Cool. I'm a senior as well. Do you mind if I see your schedule?" I asked as I held my hand out in front of her.

She grinned back before turning around, unzipping her bag before handing over her school schedule.

"Great. Uh.. You have.... 2nd and 3rd with me." I say, looking over her schedule one more time before handing it back.

She smiled brightly at me, her eyes shining before clearing her throat, trying to appear cool.

"Oh. Nice. Uh...can I maybe walk with you to 3rd? I don't really know my way around so..."

I smiled back at her before replying.
"No yeah its perfectly fine. I mean. You helped me so let me help you." I said smoothly, still appreciative of the fact that she helped me.

Nodding her head, we quickly decided that we should head out after the tardy bell rang.

I'm still dreading to face her in class, but now that I met Iris, the feeling is sort of fading away.

I caught sight once again of the classroom, relived that she isn't outside anymore.

Standing outside her classroom, I motioned for Iris to go first before following after, gulping quietly at everyone's eyes who averted their attention to me and Iris.

In the corner of my eyes I saw Iris shifting around uncomfortably, which is a clear sign that she isn't feeling too comfortable with all the attention on us.

"Ms Cabello. Nice of you to join our class."

I turned around, watching as Lauren raises her eyebrows at me, to which I rolled my eyes to as the grip on my bag-strap tightened.

Her face held sympathy as they stared at me and I clenched my jaw angrily.
I don't need her fucking sympathy.

Her gaze stayed on me a little longer before she slowly turned to Iris, face surprised as her eyes widened.
"Oh! Uh. You must be the new student." She spoke out.

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