Chapter 15: Heartbreak

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im sorry. please don't kill me for this chapter. 😐😐


School had just finished and I was beyond tired.
Groaning out loud, I stretched my limbs as I stood up from my chair.

"Fuck." I mumbled out tiredly, walking to the door with the crew.

"Hey. Since tomorrow is Friday we should go out." Harry suggests.

Everyone nods their heads and I hum to myself approvingly.
"We should go to the movies. It'll be fun." Dinah says with a grin plastered on her face.

"Yeah! I heard there was a new scary movie. Insidious 4." Demi chirps out excitedly.

Everyone has excited looks on their faces now and I laugh tiredly.
"Well if its a scary movie then we're going for sure." I nod my head.

We all continue to speak about plans for tomorrow as we walk out, heading to our transportation.

I look back quickly, seeing Lauren walk to her car from the other side and she glances over at me with an unreadable look on her face, making me quite confused.

She sends a small wave my way and I smile softly, waving back, watching as she climbs in her car, driving away.

"OH MY GOSH YES!Okay I take it back. This movie is so going to be great!"

I turned back around, seeing Zendaya looking down at her phone.
She holds the phone out and I laugh quietly.
She went online looking for the movie review or some shit.

Everyone else nods their heads and I close my eyes, a quiet yawn escaping my lips.
"Okay. I'm gonna go now." I mumble out tiredly.

Seeing everyone's nod of agreement, they bid their farewells before heading over to their own cars, Dinah going with Shawn as usual.

I climbed on to my beautiful baby, 'Sheldon'—yes. I kept the name so shut the fuck up—and smiled as I kicked myself off the stand, revving the engine.

I drove away from school with nothing but a certain green eyed beauty on my mind.


Its nearly past midnight now when I woke up and I cursed to myself quietly in my head.

Upon arriving home, I was just so tired, I literally knocked out the moment I caught sight of my bed.

I pushed myself up as I rushed to my wardrobe, pulling out my jacket, wearing it over my shirt before deciding to take off my jeans, opting to wear a pair of sweats instead since they were more comfortable.

Hey? Its midnight and cold as fuck. I'm pretty sure Lauren can understand my choice of clothing.

I grabbed my phone, quickly adjusting my hair before running out the door.
I stopped immediately though and walked quietly down the stairs, trying not to wake my parents as I slowly opened the door to outside.

When I closed the door quietly, I ran quickly to my motorcycl— I mean, Sheldon— as I climbed up on it, turning it on and winced to myself at the loud sound it made as I drove it down the driveway.

Now driving on the road, it takes only a few minutes until I catch sight of the park.
I park Sheldon on the side before climbing off, looking around only to see a few people sitting around, two people exercising and I raise my eyebrows.

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