KabutoXShizune *Request for peal16*

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Ok so I got a request to do a KabutoXShizune thing and thought why the hell not? So here is my first ShizuXKabu hope u guys like it!


-Shizune's P.O.V.-

 I was sent on a mission to find Orochimaru's lair which I was standing right outside of. Unfortunately I wasn't able to bring Tonton but we were doing ok so far. I signaled the others to follow in after me and we entered the dark snake hole.

Everything was quiet as we causiously walked down the hall silently. We heard a snake's hissing sound and looked around carefully. My heart began racing as one of my teamates was dragged into the darknees and blood splattered out from it along with his screams.

We were about to leave through the snake hole when it slammed shut leaving us with only the light of the torches which were slowly being blown out.

"Run!" I comanded the others leading them down the hall.

We all kept running but slowly we were taken down one by one. There were five of us and as soon as I heard the forth scream I picked up my pace knowing I was next.

I ran as fast as I could until I hit a dead end. As soon as I turned around the last torch was blown out leaving me in complete darkness. I backed up against the wall and listened carefully. I didn't hear anything this time which made my heart calm down a bit.

It soon began racing again when I was shoved harder against the wall. I looked at the dark figure with panic in my eyes.

"O-Orochimaru?" I asked trying to calm down and I heard a chuckle.

"Not even close, lord Orochimaru is dead. I got tired of listening to him."

(This is gonna stray from the story a lot. Also Sasuke never joined to make it easier.)

"K-Kabuto?" I asked and his body pressed against mine tightly so I wouldn't escape.

"You know it's funny how short you are compaired to me, considering the fact that your older. And you look so cute when your scared." Kabuto said lifting my chin but I turned my head away.

"I am not scared!"

"Then why are you shaking? Is it because my pets killed your teamates?" Kabuto said and I bit my lip.

"You bastard....If they could see they'd still be alive."

"But a ninja is supposed to be trained to see in the dark."

I kept looking away wondering how to escape. Was this my last day? Is this how it all ends? Am I really going to die? Am I not strong enough to escape? Is Kabuto going to kill-

My thoughts were cut off when a fingerless gloved hand turned my face with a little force and lips crashed on mine. I stared up wide eyed not knowing what to say or do.

'Is Kabuto really kissing me?!' I thought and struggled to get him off.

WARNING!: This may be a little bit of R rated pervy stuff since my pervyness is running crazy and I can't kill the damn thing, It doesn't describe ALL the pervy stuff so read on if you wish. YOU have been WARNED.

When I realized how soft Kabuto's lips were I relaxed a little but then started struggling again. I felt a sudden pinch in my upper thigh and noticed a needle.

'He's drugging me?!' I thought and my body went numb.

 I was about to collapse to the floor when he picked me up and carried me to a room that was also pitch black. The door shut and I herd it lock before I was placed on something soft. I didn't feel tired but I couldn't move anything other then my head.

Kabuto climbed on top of me and continued kissing me. I struggled all I could but stopped thinking about old times.

Kabuto used to live in the hidden leaf village and we were teamates, good friends actually. I ended up having a bit of a crush on him but didn't have the heart to tell him. When he left it crushed me and I never fell in love again. Now here we were. Kissing in the darkness, but the feelings I had were different.

Ignoring my feelings slightly I closed my eyes and kissed back. He parted his lips slowly and stuck his tongue in exploring my mouth. My body ached in a strange way, I almost....wanted him. But I knew it was wrong, it even felt wrong.

We pulled apart for air and he went to my neck pulling down my kimono top. my body felt nice but my feelings felt wrong. I started looking away and crying and he stopped then looked at my face.

"Why are you crying?"

"Your asking me why? This is considered rape, that's why." I said still looking away.

"I thought you liked me?"

"I did until you ranaway, killed my teamates, and DRUGGED me!" I yelled and somehow Kabuto snapped and grabbed my chin forcing me to look at him.

"I ranaway to become stronger so I could protect you, I killed your teamates because they have been planning on killing you for awhile now, and I drugged you so I could tell you the truth and show you my love and have you realize it to!"

My eyes widened and Kabuto's sofened as he wiped away a few tears.

"Your body should be returning to normal by now." Kabuto said and I realized I was able to move now. "If you really want to stop then I will."

I hesitated for a moment.

"What about Lady Tsunade? Tonton? And the hidden leaf village?"

"Just because your with me doesn't mean you have to say goodbye."

"But how does that work out?"

"Don't worry I'll find a way." Kabuto said then I hesitated again before nodding.

***A few years later***

I heard a few pebbles hit my window and I went to go look outside. I saw Kabuto smiling up at me and I smiled back. He got permission to live in the village and we had been going out for awhile. We decided to get married when we found out I was pregnant and it took awhile but eventually everyone accepted him.

I couldn't of been happier!


Hope u liked it pearl16!!! Anyways at least I tried right? Sorry it took so long.

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