My Dreams of You *Request for SpankMyToaster*

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Name: Tsuki (moon)

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Looks: White hair to mid thigh. Red eyes, pale skin, black tank top that stops above her belly button, black shorts that stop above mid thigh with wrapping that go above her knees, black ninja sandals white scarf and a black mask (like Kakashi) with her headband around her arm (with a moon)

Personality: Distant, often lost in thought, Shy if she doesn't know you, but if she does she can at times be very childish

Fights with: A scythe


In this one the hidden moon and hidden leaf grew so close their villages were combined.


I woke up and sighed while feeling a blush taint my cheeks. I had another dream..of him. I have been having dreams of Kakashi ever since I had that one mission with him. At first I was really shy and didn't talk to him much, but at some point during the fight on the mission I was knocked off the tree. Under my mask I was blushing like crazy when Kakashi had caught me.

I'm still rather shy around him but I've opened up to him a bit more. Though I rarely get the chance to talk to him. So far all I have are dreams of Kakashi but maybe someday there'll be more. I sighed again and layed back down closing my eyes and day dreamed more of Kakashi before falling asleep.

***Next day***

I was at the training fields training with my scythe. I did this every morning but not once had this happened..I stopped, looking to my right to see Kakashi and his team. I blushed under my mask as I stared at Kakashi with my scythe held above my head. My blush deepened and I looked away quickly when he glanced in my direction.

I went back to my training and tried not to be clumsy around him but I may of cut my hand once or twice...How embarrassing..

"Hey Tsuki Sensei!" I heard someone yell and I looked over to see Naruto shouting. "Come here!"

I shrugged and put my scythe on my back before walking over and looking at Naruto.

"What is it?"

"Can you give me any advice on weapon training? Kakashi Sensei said you were really good with your scythe."

"I suppose so.." I said starting to think of Kakashi.

'Kakashi-San said that about me?'

"Tsuki Sensei?...Tsuki Sensei?....HELLO IS ANYBODY HOME?!"

"Huh?" I said snapping out of my thoughts.


"Oh, right. Just make sure your blade is good and sharp. A dull blade won't help you at all. Hold your weapon firmly by the handle and don't just concentrate on your weapon but your enemies weapon as well."

"Ok thanks!...Umm..Could you show me how to hold your weapon?"

I chuckled and had a closed eye smile.

"Sure! It's just like this Naruto!" I said taking my scythe off my back.

I twirled it above my head and did a few battle moves with it showing Naruto how to move freely like water with your weapon. Then I stopped in a fighting stance showing him how to weild it.

"Got it?" I asked Naruto.

"Wow! Your really good Tsuki Sensei! For helping me out I'm gonna treat you and Kakashi sensei to ramen!"

"Wait, what? Why?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Come on! Let's go!"

I was confused about Naruto suddenly treating me and Kakashi to ramen, but as long as I got to be near Kakashi, I didn't really care. We all went to Ichiraku's ramen shop and Sakura and Sasuke insisted on coming to. I sat down next to Kakashi and we ordered our ramen. I finally realized what Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke really wanted by how intensely they were staring at me and Kakashi.

'So they want to see our faces.'

When we got our ramen and grabbed our chop sticks I blushed slightly from my hand brushing against Kakashi's. We began pulling our masks down so we could eat and team 7 would have seen 10 jumped in the way.


Me and Kakashi ate in seconds but when we finished we glanced at each other. We had pulled our masks up so Kakashi's team wouldn't see. Ayame was looking at Kakashi with heart eyes and the old man was looking at me with heart eyes.

Me and Kakashi however were staring at each other blushing slightly under our masks.

'Wow he's hot..'

My blush deepened slightly and I turned my head away shyly. My heart was racing a little from the look in his eyes. It was..alluring.

"Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke. Go start your next training exercise."

"What?! But Kakashi Sensei!"


Team 7 groaned but went off to do their training. I noticed Kakashi slipped the old man a 20 and he began closing the store, then he and Ayame went into the back room.

'What's going on?'

Kakashi turned my head to meet his gaze again and he pulled down my mask.



"Why do you wear a mask?"

".....Umm...It's comfy?" I said and he chuckled.

"You know, your actually quite beautiful. I've always liked you but I didn't want to push you away by being too forward."

"So why are you being forward now?" I asked curiously tilting my head.

"Sorry I...I guess I can't stop dreaming about you. I, I love you Tsuki." Kakashi said and I blushed.

My heart sped up a bit and I decided to be more open. I reached up and pulled Kakashi's mask down, then I gave him my best closed eye smile.

"I love you to Kakashi."

I giggled when I opened my eyes and noticed him blushing slightly, but I leaned in slowly, a bit hesitant to kiss him. I stopped when our lips were just barely brushing. Kakashi closed the small gap and pressed our lips together in a passionate kiss. We closed our eyes and he deepened it slightly. My heart skipped many beats so when we pulled apart I was breathless.

My dream had finally come true.

***Two years later***

Everyday felt like a dream and now I can dream with Kakashi every night. That is along with the twins that keep crawling in our bed. Both girls, and they were mine and Kakashi's whole world. We can all dream together..forever.


Really sry it's so late! I hope u liked it anyway SpankMyToaster.

Next is a Sasuke one and then it's a  Hidan one. More to come after that cause I'm a bad Cali-Chan for making late one-shots TT-TT

bu byes

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