The Coin Collectors

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      Everyone walked along the trail, steadily making their way towards the coin counters. The sea of workers began to channel themselves into different sections, some forming groups, others rushing to the collectors and others transferring the carts to other guards.

      While the smaller groups stopped at this point in the trail, the main line continued along the rocky mountain trail. I was continuing my journey with the main line when I felt a slight tug at the waist of my pants. Without losing my pace within the line, I glanced back over my shoulder and was greeted by a small pair of brown eyes looking up at me. It was Peter and he continued to tug at my pants until we finally exited the line and stood on the mountain trail.

"Hey Henry" he greeted me with a toothy smile.

"Hey, kiddo" I smiled at him while ruffling through his coarse black hair. "Are you here alone?"

"No" he replied as he turned to face the line, his head darting around as he observed every face in the line. "Hope is around here, she was right behind me."

   Looking into the crowd, a sea of different faces passed by, marching on to reach the coin collectors.  A small head bobbed above the crowd and then disappeared back into the crowd. Slowly it got head got bigger as the head continued jump above the crowd as it made its way forward. 

I tapped Peter on the shoulder and he spun around. "I think I've found Hope."

"Where is she?" he asked.

"Over there" I pointed in the general direction of the bobbing head to his dismay. He replied with a short look which began at his feet and ended with looking into my eyes. "Oh right.. you cant't see over their heads, climb onto my shoulders."

Kneeling down, he climbed onto my shoulders, true to his visible size, he was quite light causing barely any effort to support him. Lifting him up, he clung to hair and neck tightly.

" I think I see her." Peter said, as he waved his hands slowly and carefully. " She is jumping around.

  As the head came closer, the features become more visible. Eventually I could make out that it was Hope, with her blonde hair, tan skin and freckles which were dotted on her cheeks. Drenched in sweat she finally reached us and exited the line.

"You left me...behind" Hope panted while she was huddled over.

"You are so slow" Peter replied.

"Yea, she is really is..." I wanted to finish but Hope's sharp glance made me swallow my words and look away. "We should get to the collectors."

  Kneeling down, I allowed Peter to dismount from my shoulders. With a wide grin, he grabbed hold of our hands and we entered the line. The line continued for a while, meandering aalong the way but it soon halted. The tight trail opened into a wide area filled with various rocks and pebbles. Everyone stood still awaiting the head guard and guards to begin the process.
   The guards walked out in front of us and stood with their iron staffs and swords gripped tightly. Their royal blue trousers complmented their bright red shirts which were emblazoned with the insignia of the Royals, an oak tree. Each guard stood in line and awaited the head guard with the head guard to arrive infront of them. He did not make eye contact with any of his men bit simply walked passed them, brushing aside his men to stand further in the quarrey alone.

   He reached into his pocket and fished out a single key and held it midair. Then he turned it and the air began to shimmer and a door appeared before him and soon many more would appeared.

"LET THEM KNOCK" the guard bellowed and his men dispered allowing the miners to reach the doors.

""Go wait near the guards, kiddo."

"No, we should stick together, there are so many doors." Peter replied and tighted his grip on our hands.

"Peter, remember all the doors lead to the same place, love" Hope informed him.

"Then we can all wait until the room gets empty, right?" He persisted as he looked at me confromation.

"No, kiddo, only one person is ever allowed to enter a door at a time."

"Doors that allow multiple people to enter the same room yet only one is in there at a time." His brow became furrowed as he tackled the idea. "It never makes sense."

"That's what makes it magic." Hope cooed Peter, as she began to led him towards one of the guards that seemed to be pleasant.  In this case she chose the eldest guard with the wrinkly face and grey hair.

   Reluctantly he released his grip on hand and followed Hope towards one of the doors while I chose a different door. Each and every door was the same, a single door which was painted dark green with no door knob to turn. It was not attached to anything nor did it seem to connect to anything, there was only a door. The only accessory that each door had, was a brass door knocker inside of a lion's mouth. Reaching up, I followed the guard's instructions and knocked and the door opened inwards.

    The door opened to reveal a small white room with a single wooden desk which occupied the center of the room. On the desk itself an assortment of coins and trinkets laid scattered, while a small woman was huddled over her work writing feverishly. She wore a lilac blouse which was under a dark blue robe with bright yellow epplettes. A small pair of glasses sat on the middle of her nosebridge which would shift downwards slightly as she continued her work.

"Well come on in child, I don't have all day" she said without looking away from her work.

 Stepping through the door, it closed behind me with a swift "thud."  The woman tilted her head slightly towards a small pouch which rested  on the desk among the trinkets of the desk. I stepped forward and collected the small pouch.  Rolling the little pouch in my hands, it was surprising light as its contents made a soft ringing in the small bag.

"Ten bronze coins and six silver coins, its all there, child." 

"It feels quite light though." I said jokingly, in an attempt to lighten the mood.

She glanced up for the first time, stopping the task that she was completing and stared with a blank expression with green eyes which almost seemed to shine. After a few minutes had passed, she sighed deeply and adjusted her glasses her glasses better. Feeling quite embarrassed I averted my eyes downwards to avoid her gaze.

"Shall I collect ?" She asked, her voice remaining calm and collected.

"No" I replied " I have plans."

  Upon hearing my response she resumed her work, once again writing quickly on the paper before her. Shooing me away her hamd she quickly become diligent in her work.

Turning away from her, I walked towards the door again as it opened by itself, allowing me to leave the small white room and return to the dusty quarry. Upon returning to the quarry, Hope was fidgeting nervously next to Peter and the guard. Walking towards them, she took the initiative to grab Peter's hand and meet me in the middle.

"What took you so long, Henry ?" Hope's brow became furrowed, her eyes were being drawn to my small pouch. "You did not allow them to collect?"

"Nope, I have other plans." Looking at Peter, we both exchanged a brief smirk. "We should get going it's getting late."

   Peter yawned in agreement and shivered slightly in the cold air that had begun to blow. Hope drew him close to her and reluctantly nodded in agreement. Together we begun our walk home as the evening sky blended into colors of blue and a fiery orange.

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