Chapter 4

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A moment between Blinky and Aargh

Blinky was using some markers that Toby had found, scribbling with all of the feverish intensity that a troll baby could muster. Each time he finished one, he would proudly display it for the positive judgement of Aargh. After the third or fourth, Aargh noticed that the high-energy toddler was stacking them in a careful pile. Curious, he asked, "Kan da ke taka fe?" Blinky had his hand in his mouth, and removed it to say, "Por resdar! Es resdar retu noos magnar? Ka mank gesh." Aargh's heart sank at the innocent questioning of his infant friend; adult Blinky knew that his brother was dead, but how could Aargh make himself explain this to a child? "Nar, kor resdar gahr nogrek por far. Ke ker ceva mek."* Blinky seemed to understand this, returning to his drawings and continuing to stack them. Aargh wasn't used to seeing this vulnerable side to Blinky, and it made him terribly sad for his poor friend. As long as he had known the stout blue troll, Blinky had been stubborn with emotions. It had taken many decades of closeness for Blinky to open up to Aargh, and while the friends now knew everything about each other, it was still hard for Blinky to express how he felt. Blinky's brother, Dictacius, had been cruel and cold to Blinky, and it had taken the blue troll many years of giving to realize that Dictacius would never reciprocate. Even as an adult, with his tormentor dead and gone, Blinky sometimes had dreams about him- not that he would ever admit it. But this vulnerable child was at an age where he still hoped for the love of his brother, and loved him with all his heart, the innocent love of a person who hasn't yet learned how not to do anything else.

*"Why are you stacking those?"

"For brother! Is brother coming home soon? I miss him."

"No, your brother will be gone for a long time. You stay with me."

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