Marriage- Mm.... what???!!

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I woke up to see Mamu and Mom sitting in my room, happily chatting over something. On seeing me awake my mom’s happiness doubled to my surprise and she enclosed me in a tight embrace. Meanwhile I got  busy thinking for how long I had been in coma, when I asked mom she gently slapped on my shoulder and said the reason behind the happiness was something else. I for once knew, something definitely was wrong as mom wasn’t one who indulged in displaying affection openly so often. I knew trouble was on its way.
I was told by my younger brother, Rouhan, that Mamu was invited over for dinner by dad as he wanted to discuss some business partnership agreement with him. I got highly suspicious at hearing this as my dad owned a successful diamond supply business whereas my Mamu had business of shawls. The reason told by my brother could be true only if my dad was planning on introducing diamond embedded shawls in the market, which was highly improbable. After dinner, everyone assembled in the dining for desserts, that’s when Mamu dropped the bomb. “Bhrigu Singh is the name of  the boy and he has completed his MBA, is looking for a job but I am pretty sure he will get a good job soon. His father is an industrialist so he need not worry about earning enough. “. Everything made sense to me and I saw my life falling apart before my eyes . I did not expect  Mamu to do this to me, he was the last person who I expected would do this. I know marriage has to happen at some point of time but I wasn’t prepared for it. Not yet, not anytime soon, not at least before I stood on my feet and Mamu knew all about this. I immediately stood up and rushed to my room, banged the door shut which made my displeasure pretty evident to everyone in the house. I missed college and Academy the next day and did not  come out of my room till evening when I saw from the window of my room that everyone was in the lawn. I was starving and had to eat something, I went to kitchen and prepared myself some noodles since I wasn’t in the mood of having proper lunch. I took the bowl of noodles and soft drink to my room, and locked the room. By the time I finished eating I heard knocking on the door and Mamu’s voice followed, ‘ Sana Beta, please open the door, only I have come to talk to you, I haven’t brought anyone with me, everyone else is downstairs, I am really sorry Beta but I was compelled, at least talk to me, hear me once and then if you say, I’ll leave from house also’. I couldn’t take Mamu’s pleading so I unlocked the door, Mamu came inside and said teasingly, ‘No matter how much angry you are, you can’t ignore me, and what is it with the vow of staying hungry you  had taken’, he said pointing at the bowl and softdrink bottle. He let out a small laugh and told me to sit. I continued staring hard at him. He smiled and said, "Sana Beta, I can never do anything to annoy you. You are like my own child. You know how important you are to me, it's just that..". He looked everywhere in the room but at me, it was as if he was at loss of words, then he placed his hands over mine, looking outside the window he said, "Beta, your dad has cancer, the doctors have said we have him with us for maximum an year.". These words left me dumbstruck and the only words that came out of my mouth were, "Leave me alone".

Hello lovely readers, hope you all are doing great. Hope you liked the chapter. This is just one of the twists in the story. Will keep you engrossed in coming chapters, just be a bit more patient. I am trying my best to stand up to my promise of updating routinely. Hope you all keep smiling and look for happiness everywhere, that is what truly matters, money and everything is all materialistic, happiness is what really matters and stays permanently with you. Stay happy and keep smiling.

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