Thursday Morning Thoughts: 11:49 a.m.

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They tell you Love has no boundaries,

And you believe it.

Completely. Fully. Wholly.

And you fall.

Completely. Fully. Wholly.

Then he leaves.

And you cry.

And wail.

And beg, and pray that he returns.

You swear you'll never get through this.

It's only after months or years of having your heart dragged through the mud,

Oceans of tears at night,

Dancing with a hole in your chest,

And watching your soul tear apart,

That you understand the limits of Love.

You'll never get through this.

And you swear off Love,

Call it a farce,

A hoax,

A waste of time.

You'll never get through this.

Then one day you notice someone's eyes light up when you walk in the room,

The small smile before they look down.

And that's when you realize,

You're finally on the other side.

Exhale, sweet child. Your time will come.



Sorry for the long wait for this. I tried to post it earlier, but Wattpad was having problems saving and I couldn't do anything. Hope you've all been well! <3 

I've been thinking about story ideas, and there's one bouncing around in my head right now. Once I get around to writing it, I'll let you all know! 

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