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You name it, I've fixed it. Medical droids, battle droids, atromech droids, protocol droids- I mean the list goes on and on. I've been able to get the sands of Tatooine out of C-3PO and Dagobah swamp out of R2-D2. There is truly no droid in this galaxy that I cannot fix. But all of these repairs come with a price. I mean, every day is the same routine over and over again. Being Lead Droid Mechanic, I wake up at the crack of dawn and repair any droid that's thrown at me. Even when my "real work" is done for the day, I'll still have pilots come up to me when I'm on my way back to my room and ask if I could rewire their atromech droid so their aim is better or they can navigate faster. And I do it.

But these constant repairs have earned me the trust of many droids, one of them being the legendary protocol droid C-3PO. When I first arrived at this base, I was assigned to clean the piece of rust. He had many stories to tell about his adventures, which were long and filled with wonderous amounts of detail. But having a protocol droid drabble on about a blue and white astromech droid for hours on end can get a little annoying. 

I've repaired almost every droid on this base; all except one. A round, orange and white astromech droid. His owner doesn't let anyone touch him and he just operates completely on his own. Which means he has gotta have some faulty wiring. I've only seen this little droid once. He was following Poe Dameron, the best pilot in the galaxy. They were coming back from a patrol that night and it looked like the little droid had suffered from some electric shocks. I was tempted to offer a quick repair, but how could a simple droid mechanic even speak to a commander?

Commander Poe Dameron, leader of the Black Squad and General Organa's most trusted pilot. Chocolate brown eyes, dark wavy hair, a perfect jawline, a sense of humor...I mean, how dreamy can a man get? 

Let's face it, though. He doesn't even know I exist. He's the best pilot in the galaxy, protector of the Alliance, best-looking guy on this planet and I'm- well I'm just me. Juno the Droid Mechanic. 

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