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"He took a few shots from a TIE fighter out on patrol...I thought he would just repair himself as usual but when I was about to leave my room I realized he wasn't following me like he always does and now he just won't wake up" 

Poe Dameron, the best pilot in the galaxy is asking me to fix his droid. His words were moving a million miles per hour as he explained what was wrong with his "little buddy". A orange and white BB unit was held in his arms. His face was twisted with concern as my eyes switched from the broken droid and its owner. All I could do was simply swallow my heart from my throat and tell him to follow me to the shop. 

The bright white lights lit up the entire room as I powered up all the equipment and asked Poe to set the droid down. Fishing the glasses out of my front pocket, I popped open the BB unit's main power source and assessed the situation. The droid's entire main circuit was completely fried, along with 70% of the wires within the unit. 

"How many hits did this guy take?" 

"I-I don't know, he's always just repaired himself" 

With my lower lip held between my teeth, I began working on the droid. I found myself having to search for extra wires and parts that haven't been used for ages to even get a foundation for this repair. My eyebrows furrowed in concentration as I replaced, repaired, cut, cauterized, smelted, and rewired every aspect of this BB unit. Everything from his selenium drive and a thermal hyperscan vindicator to his holoprojector. I had to be working on the droid for hours. But his owner was there for every second of it. Pacing back and forth, chewing on his fingernails, stopping to look at what I was doing. Repeat. 

My fingers had been shocked and burned more times than I could count but after what seemed like forever, I can say with confidence that this droid is good as new. When I placed the last wire on the circuit, the sound of ecstatic beeping emitted from the droid. His perked back up and rotated backward to look at me. I looked into the black photoreceptor, a welcoming smile forming on my face. 

"Welcome back, buddy" I patted the droid. Before I could stand up, the droid rolled itself on top of me, beeping and booping with thanks and excitement. I couldn't help but laugh as the droid's head snuggled into my neck and moved it back and forth. He booped contently before the sound of Poe's voice echoed from the other side of the room. 

"I could recognize those sounds from anywhere!" I looked over at the pilot, who was sprinting to his droid like a lost family member. The second the droid saw his owner, he was rolling just as fast as Poe. 

The two embraced in an awkward hug, Poe scratching his body as if he were a fathier. A content smile formed on my face as I picked up my toolbox and made my way back to my room, eager to drop everything and finally go to bed. 

"Hey! Hey, wait!" I turned around and saw both the droid and Poe jogging towards me. My heart jumped back into my throat as he pulled me into a hug. I felt my face getting hotter and hotter by the second. 

"Thank you" 

"It's just my job" I raised my shoulder, a shy smile forming across my face. 

"Poe" He held out his hand, a sly smirk on his face. 


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