Only Mine

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Chapter 1

Car rides aren't a favorite, in my opinion. Currently I'm in the car with my parents and brother going to Washington. My mom works as a chemist along side of my dad and apparently they found better opportunities here in the middle of nowhere. So that meant we had to pack up and leave our perfectly fine home in Virginia and move out here. To say the least I'm not happy.

"Honey wake your brother up. We're almost there!" My mom turns to tell me in the back seat. Excitement clear in her tone of voice.

I look over to my right to see my brother sleeping. He's snoring softly with his mouth hanging open. A fly might as well invite themselves in.

I nudge him a bit and he doesn't move. I then proceed to shake him harder.

"Wake up, you butt head" I say to him.

He groans, obviously not pleased with my request and turns over to hide his face.

"Mom says we are almost there. Get up!" I say louder hitting him with a pillow I brought for the drive.

"I don't care" he groggily mumbles into my pillow, which he has now stollen and tucked it away under his arm so I can not reach it.

"Mom, he won't wake up. I think we better just leave him alone." I say in defeat.

From the corner of my eye I see the slightest trace of a smug looking smile on his face. Bastard.

Suddenly the brakes are slammed on and we all jolt forward a little, except for Mr. Pretending-to-sleep-so-you-don't-bother-me, who flings forward and hits the seat in front of him, causing him wake up.

"You are not missing this!" My mom scolds him. "I have a surprise and you guys better see it!" She finishes and continue driving.

Mom could get angry quickly and right now is one of those times. She refers to it as us making her 'evil' which is accurate most the time.

"Geez" he mutters rubbing his forehead where it hit the seat.

We have been driving for about two days now. Why couldn't he have slept during that time. He couldn't have slept earlier this morning as well, but instead was up bothering me like annoying brothers do. He's a fucker and he knows it.

"Here it is!" Mom squeals as we pull into what looks to be a mansion.

The car pulls up to a speaker where my mom says a few words and then two big shinny black gates open. As we pull in I can see the details of the mansion better. It is a creamy white color and has white marble pillars. On the pillars is intricate details that look to be describing the stories of the moon goddess. As we pull into a car cluttered garage area to finally realize where we are.

"We moved into a pack house?!" I shout at my mother. Couldn't we just have lived in a nice little house all to our selves? I mean, not to be rude or anything, but my privacy is bound to be intruded upon when there is like 80 fucking werewolves everywhere.

"It's a good choice financially and we can now be in a tight knight pack! It will be great buddy. Trust me." My dad says smiling at me. He's always called me buddy. When ever he calls anyone else buddy I almost feel jealous. It's almost like its my nickname and mine only.

"Ya, shut up. Maybe now I can become friends with an Alpha or a Beta and be like a right hand man." My brother says with a stupid grin on his face. He just wants to be in charge of something.

You see, back in Virginia we didn't really have what you would call a pack. I mean, we had an alpha and pack members but we weren't close. We were never attacked or bothered so we just kinda let it be. We kind of were in our own little group, seeing each other on runs every now and again, but we weren't called into pack meetings or invited to a birthday party of a pack member. It actually might be nice to be so close. Maybe I can find my mate. I live for the moment I finally meet my mate.

The engine of the car turns off and we all walk up to the big doors with our suitcases. Slowly dad opens the door and asks a bystander where the alpha is.

"This way" the man says directing us into the direction of what looks to be a big office after we put down out suitcases. We all step in the office and are greeted by a man appearing to be in his 50's smiling back at us.

"Hello. You must be the Tate family. Please have a seat." His voice was soft, much too soft to be and alpha and at his age he couldn't be too incredibly strong.

He saw the way I skeptically looked at him and answered my unvoiced question. "My name is Ed. I'm former alpha. My son has come of age to lead the pack just recently. I just check his work over sometimes. See if its right."

"Oh." I say quietly.

After introducing our selves and talking about the requirements of the pack we decided to just keep the initiation quick and simple. Right here in his office.

"I will go get our alpha and will will start with the youngest." He said looking at me. "My son will then have you place a hand over your heart and on the pack guild, after that you will then proceed to repeat after him. When you have finished that you will prick your right index finger with the pin provided and put a drop of blood onto the fabric of the pack guild to symbolize you being stitched into the pack. You understand?" He talks quickly and fluently, like he has practiced this many times before.

I understood what he said, but my brother had a look of frustration and confusion on his face.

"Can you say it once more?" He asked.

"You'll be okay. Just watch you sister and do the same thing." The man said still smiling sweetly.

"K" he replied. He's so stupid sometimes.

He then left the room to go bring back the alpha. I don't know why but I was getting a really exited, giddy feeling in my stomach and my wolf was howling. My wolf knows somethings going to happen.

What the hell?


A/N: I hope you liked the first chapter. The reason I didn't put names was because I want you guys to come up with name for the characters! Comment the names you want and I might pick it. Thanks so much for reading my book!!



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