Chapter XIV

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Chapter XIV

Mitch sat at a table inside the village's new community center, which was a converted stable. A clipboard and a stack of papers were in front of him. It was a bright day, and they were using no artificial lighting.  

He tapped his pen on the table. "Did you ever take a shop class in school?" 

"No, not really," replied the young man with scraggily long hair. He wore a Megadeth tee shirt and a backwards cap.  

"Have you ever worked on cars before?" 

The young man shook his head. 

Mitch sighed. "What did you do before all of this?" 

"Um, I don't know. I used to ride my skate board a lot." 

"That won't help. How are you with computers?" 

The kid shrugged. "I'm not a hacker, but I know what I'm doing." 

"Fine. I'll put you on the automation team." 

The kid nodded. "Cool." 

"Talk to R.J. Arnberger. He'll get you started." 

Next up was Marc Gonzalez. In his late twenties, he looked to be in good shape. Mitch read his information sheet.  

"I see you spent time in the military." Mitch always considered this a plus.  

"Yes. I served in the army as an Animal Care Specialist." 

Mitch surveyed the young man. "Interesting. Tell me more." 

"I had always been timid growing up, but being in the army gave me confidence. I became more aggressive, not trying to avoid confrontation, protecting those in harm's way. I've also always had a knack for training animals, which I used in the army working with Military Working Dogs. After my time in the army, I trained attack and guard dogs." 

Mitch thought about the German Shepherd he and Sarm had been nursing back to health. He hoped Radley was doing well. At least Sarm still had a companion.  

He listened intently as Marc told him more about his background working with animals. "We can make use of your skills. Maybe even incorporate some dogs into our military unit." 

Marc's eyes lit up. "I would love to be able to help you out with that. I also have experience using all sorts of guns, grenades, claymore mines, land mines." 

Mitch smiled. "Consider yourself drafted into my special forces unit. I look forward to working with you." 

Mitch's first task in improving the village was to provide a better distribution of labor. He had been interviewing candidates for five hours, and was near his limit.  

When Gary Daniels brought a steaming cup of coffee, Mitch's eyes lit up. "Thanks. You're a life saver." 

"No problem, Chief," Gary said.  

Mitch had recruited Gary, who had been a director of a waste management company, to help him. In his previous life, he had a great deal of experience with administrative tasks like hiring and firing.  

"Who's next?"  

"Sarah Williams," Gary replied. "She's lived past Miller's Bend with her aunt for over two years." 


"She graduated high school, spent a year traveling with a rock band. Afterward she worked at a daycare in Utah." 

Mitch sipped his coffee. "This should be easy."  

Daniels brought her in.  

Mitch shook her hand. "I don't think we've met before, but I know your Aunt Denise. I love her apple pie. She's a sweet woman." 

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