Chapter XV

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Chapter XV


Mitch stood inside the hangar with his arms folded, alongside Ethan Herzberg and Elizabeth. Not the most impressive hangar he had ever seen, it was sufficient for their purposes. The hangar consisted of a simple steel, portal framed building. It spanned seventy meters in length. The roof and walls were metal sheets welded together and painted red. The construction crew did their best with their limited knowledge and experience. 

They had planted tall bushes and trees surrounding the hangar to camouflage it. It wasn't as thoroughly hidden as Mitch would have liked, but he knew before long the growth would become denser.  

Elizabeth put her hand on Ethan's shoulder and stared at the stockpile of weapons with her mouth open.  

"Hmm." Ethan stepped closer. "I don't even know what we got here." 

Mitch stood in front of him. "This is a Pave Low IV helicopter. Its maximum speed is 165 miles per hour with a range of 630 miles. It's got three machine guns inside." He stepped past the helicopter. "We have five MK-82's and three MK-84'S. They're free fall bombs. Here are GBU 27 and GBU 28 missiles. They're laser-guided with a range of six to eleven miles." 

Mitch opened a box full of guns. "We have an impressive array of machine guns. We have some M2's, M4 carbines." Mitch picked up an M16 semi-automatic rifle. "This one shoots eight hundred rounds a minute." 

Mitch opened a box of Claymore mines and grenades.  

"Holy moly," Elizabeth said.  

Mitch led them into another room attached to the hangar. "Here's the real heavy duty stuff. These are cruise and ballistic missiles." 

Ethan frowned. "But Mitch, this is what the military used against them." 

"I know, but we have the element of surprise. When the Minister of Science invaded, he knew we would counter-attack. He knew about our weapons and tactics, but his technology was so far advanced that we never stood a chance. I know a lot about terrorism. We're going to pound away at them and make conditions such that they won't want to live here anymore." 

"I don't know, Mitch. It seems dangerous. We're not an army. We're just survivors." 

"All true, but we have one significant advantage over the aliens who occupy this planet, something I guess wasn't exploited the first go around. We will make use of the waterways. They can't or don't. This gives us a significant advantage considering most of the planet is covered by water." 

"How do you know they don't use the sea?" Ethan asked.  

"Something I learned from an alien friend of mine. The good thing is amphibious attacks are my specialty. That's something we did to perfection in the SEALs." 

Ethan nodded. "You might be right."  

Mitch indicated he intended on making additional trips to Colorado Springs to tap into their vast arsenal of weapons and then start training their people. 

Ethan expressed some interest on inflicting damage on the aliens, but was concerned about the repercussions from the aliens. To this point they had been flying under the radar. To Mitch it was worth the risk.  

They had some experienced military people. He was planning on recruiting and training new members, creating teams, and arming them. Before long, he would have a little army.  



Mitch finished logging the inventory from his third trip to Colorado Springs in a database created by a member of the automation team. He couldn't help smiling. It was really happening. In the last trip, they had acquired two Strike Eagle and three Raptor fighter planes. Now, he had his eye on some Nighthawk jets sitting idle at the air force base.  

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