Chapter XXIX

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Chapter XXIX

After sleeping in his old bed next to Deborah, Mitch was ready to work, but first, he had to know everything going on in the community.  

He met with Gary Daniels, who had assumed most of the community's administrative tasks. Gary produced spreadsheets and reports detailing work assignments for each adult and teen. He had charts outlining food production and storage. Fortunately, they had a strong crop season. They had attempted to grow different types of fruits and vegetables, but some had failed because of the climate.  

As Mitch poured through the sheets, he looked up at Gary. "We've been lucky that we haven't been hurt by crop failures or bad storms. What happens if we have a bad season?" 

Gary tilted his head. "It would be tough, but if we dig in, we could survive. With a couple more good years, we should have enough surplus of grain and wheat to get us through. If we got hit hard, we'd have to depend on trade. Fortunately, we've identified farmers growing crops on their own." 

"How are our fuel levels?" 

"Strong. We've been maintaining a refinery down south. At any given time, there are at least a dozen men and women working there. We rotate people, so we have different folks who know how to maintain and operate the facility." 

"Good. What about the nuclear power plant?" 

Gary smiled. "I'll let Bruce Dennison update you on the status since he's been the brains behind the operation. We're about ninety percent there to getting it operational once again. There have been small hiccups along the way that keep prolonging the process." 

"That's great news. I'll have Bruce give me a tour of the facility." 

As they walked through the community, Gary showed him the new farming area. Mitch felt like a celebrity. Everywhere he went, people wanted to talk to him, hug him and shake his hand.  

Gary said, "Since you've been gone, you've become a legend, especially with the newer members. They've heard of your exploits. With these gladiator fights against the aliens, I can only imagine your legend will grow." 

Mitch shrugged. "That might not be a bad thing. I don't need adulation. It was weird enough getting it from the aliens, but if I can get people to do things they might not ordinarily be willing to by using the power of persuasion, then it will make life easier." 

Gary stroked his graying beard. "Don't let it get to your head. The last thing we need is one of those megalomaniac cult leaders like Jim Jones." 

Mitch grinned. "Don't worry. Deborah would put me in my place." 

When he was done touring with Gary, he stopped by the medical center and met Dr. Sherwood. They had two experienced physicians and three more in training. They couldn't put them through medical school, but they got hands-on-training along with schooling using old textbooks.  

"We need better supplies," Dr. Sherwood said. "We have vaccines and medications from nearby abandoned pharmacies, but the problem is that these drugs are expiring or already have expired. It would be great if we could formulate drugs on our own." 

Mitch crossed his arms. The facility looked like a pre-invasion doctor's office. "We have scientists and engineers with backgrounds in the pharmaceutical industry, but we don't have the facilities. There's no way we could build that around here, either. Our best bet would be to take over an old pharmaceutical facility and revamp it. It's too bad I'm not in contact with Sarm anymore. His medical knowledge and techniques are far more advanced than ours." 

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