Chapter XXXI

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Chapter XXXI

Mitch smiled as Merelda's ship landed in the same location she had dropped him off a month ago. A group from the community had gathered to watch the vessel.  

"Her space ship isn't very big," Ethan commented.  

Elizabeth nodded. "Nowhere near the size of the one they carted you off in." 

Mitch shrugged. "This one's built for speed." 

"So we finally get to meet your alien friend," Ethan said.  

The hatch opened and Merelda emerged, moving with the grace and elegance of a feline. "I am glad to see you brought a welcoming committee." 

Mitch gave her a hug. "It's good to see you. These are my people." He motioned toward those who had gathered.  

Merelda looked around. "I like this place. I can see why you wanted to return. If the ruling council of this planet saw this, they would dismantle it immediately." 

Mitch said, "Hopefully they'll never find out. We like to keep a low profile." 

"Hello, Deborah." Merelda extended her hand. 

Deborah shook it. An icy chill entered the air. "It's nice to meet you again." 

Mitch clutched her arm. "Let me show you around."  

While the others disbursed, Mitch, Deborah and a few others gave Merelda a tour of the community. He kept it brief because he wanted to talk to her about the next mission.  

He concluded the tour by leading her into the house he and Deborah shared. "I would offer you something to eat, but I don't have anything you'd find edible." Mitch motioned to a chair near a table. "Please sit. Would you like some water?" 

"Thank you, but I am sufficiently hydrated." Merelda sat, looking uncomfortable. She wasn't normally around so many humans, and some hadn't given her the warmest reception. It was nothing overt, but Mitch had hoped they would be more welcoming. "Your group has caused commotion. The Minister was furious after that latest attack." 

Mitch nodded. "Good." 

Merelda smiled. "Corey, Mitch told me that you led the attack. Very precise striking. I appreciate your skill." 

Corey bowed his head. "I have well-trained pilots." 

Merelda folded hands with long, slender fingers. "There are many unhappy citizens of Santanovia. Some have threatened to remove their operations if the situation doesn't change. Their threats are serious. The Minister taxes the commercial enterprises on this planet. They agree to these taxes because he allows them to operate freely." 

"As in operate illegally," Mitch said.  

"Precisely. Since this is a seldom used solar system, they can go unnoticed. However, if these disruptions cause them to lose revenue, they will discontinue their operations." 

Mitch put his thumb beneath his chin and rubbed the stubble under his lower lip with his index finger. Normally he kept himself clean-shaven, but lately he could not find the time to shave. "So now is the time to really take it to them." 

Merelda nodded, her face turning a light shade of green. This meant she was pleased. "It is as if you read my thoughts." 

"We'll need time to mobilize," Deborah said. 

"Not true."  

All faces in the room stared at Merelda. 

Mitch's eyes narrowed. "What's on your mind?"  

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