Day One

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Your POV

We drove down the road in silence, avoiding eye contact. Trilby, as his fence and I call him, was driving to the newest location with valuables supposedly up for grabs. This place was an old manor. All of the heirs have died, leaving the house and valuables. Dead trees line the road for miles. Soon, the manor came into the distance. Trilby stopped the car on the hill and looked at me, "Are you ready?" I nodded and opened the door. I stepped out and spotted an open window on the second floor.

I nudged him, "Look. A window on the second floor." He pulled out his grappler and walked towards the wall of the building, "Come on." I followed and stood next to him, "Ok. Let's get up there." He wrapped an arm around my waist and held me tightly as we grappled up to the window. We entered the window and looked  around the room.

He turned to the safe, then looked at me, "Do you think you can crack it? I can crack these in my sleep." I scoffed, "Of course. Who do you take me for?" I quickly cracked the safe and it didn't really surprise me when the thing was empty. I heard Trilby shuffle towards me and look in the empty safe, "Damn. Empty."

We stood and headed to the window but it was jammed shut. So we exited the room. On the landing, we saw a man about Trilby's age. He saw us and ran screaming in the opposite direction and disappeared. We walked down the stairs and to the front door. Trilby twisted the knob, but it wouldn't open, "No lock, no chain, no deadbolt. So why won't the bloody thing open?"

I shook my head, "Lets keep looking." He sighed, "Alright." We headed into the room on the right. It was a sitting room. In the next room, was another man. Trilby tried to leave the room as soon as he saw him, but I grabbed his blazer sleeve. The man looked at us, "Who're you two?" I looked at him, "I'm (Y/n)(L/n) and this is Trilby. Who are you?"

The man replied, "Phillip. Phillip Harty. But you can call me Phil." I nodded, "Are there others besides you here?" He nodded, "There's Jim. He arrived here just before I did. He's a good kid. Next, there's Simone Taylor. She a reporter for the BBC. You've probably seen her on the telly."

"Mhm..." He looked at Trilby, "Can you gather the others and tell them to meet in the lounge for a house meeting?" Trilby nodded, "Alright. Come on, (Y/n)." I followed silently.

We eventually found Simone and Jim. Everyone gathered in the lounge for the meeting. Trilby asked everyone questions about how they ended up here and what they knew about the house. They also asked us about the same things before we all got on the subject of the man on the landing.

Apparently, his name was AJ. He didn't tell them anything about them or why he came here.  We eventually decided to get some sleep. Trilby took one end of the couch and I took the other. Jim slept in the rocking chair and Simone and Phil slept in the trophy room. After that, I drifted off to sleep. Not knowing the mess I got myself into that day.

5 Days A Stranger (Chzo Mythos Trilby x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now