Day Two

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Trilby's POV

I woke up the next morning, alone. I got up and looked around the bookshelves. As I finished, I heard a thump from the front room. I opened the door. The first thing I saw was (Y/n) lying on the floor. Next to her, was Simone. In front of them, was Phillip and Jim. I stood in shock, "Who...Who did this?" The dining room door opened and a man in a leather apron with a machete, entered the room. I stepped back, "Y-You!" He approached me and swung down the blade.

Then, I woke up. Like it was all just a bad dream. No one was in the room. I got up and left to the front room. That room was empty too. In the dining room, Jim sat reading a book. We talked about where the others were and how the book was. I headed back upstairs and found (Y/n) and Simone in the now opened library.

(Y/n) was reading what looked like an occult book and Simone was looking at some minor gardening book. (Y/n) looked up from her book and picked up a weathered piece of paper. She stood and handed it to me, "Take this to Phillip. He told me he was looking for the family underground burial plot." She leaned up and quickly kissed my cheek before leaving the room. I heard Simone shuffle around.

"So, are you two a couple?" I looked at her, "No. Not at all. We're just acquaintances." She snickered, "Well, it doesn't seem that way from what I just saw~" I sighed and left the room. I headed out to the backyard and gave Phillip the map. He gave up his search and gave me his metal detector before going inside.

I searched along the pool's pipe line and found a button hidden in the dirt. I pressed the button but nothing happened. As I walked towards the pool, I noticed it had emptied itself.
I climbed down the ladder and immediately noticed a pungent smell. Lying on the bottom of the pool, was the man we met on the landing. Presumably AJ. It looks like his neck was split open with a large edged weapon. He was also tied to the bottom of the pool with an iron hook, but it looks like he was dead before then. I hurried and went to tell the others.

In the front room I told Phillip and Simone about what I found. Simone turned shocked, "What? How?" I could only give one answer, "Murdered. He was stabbed to death, then tied to the bottom of the pool." Simone's eyes widened, "Oh, my god."

Phillip's eyes narrowed, "You know what this means, don't you? We are the only ones in this house. The killer has to be one of us." I shook my head, "Not necessarily. I don't think any of us could engineer-" I was cut off by Phillip, "Shut up! It was you, wasn't it!You killed AJ and now you're covering your tracks!" Simone shook her head.

"Phillip, you're being absurd. Why would Trilby tell us where the body is if he wanted to hide it?" Phillip glared at me, "He's covering his tracks. He was the last to arrive, don't tell me you're not a bit suspicious of him." Simone looked towards the ground, "Er..." I sighed, "Look, what happened to AJ was a terrible thing. But if we let it tear us apart, we could all go the same way." Simone turned to Phillip.

"He's got a point, Phillip-" Phillip cut her off, "Oh, I see. You're all in this together." Simone sighed, "Phillip..."

He glared at her "Shut up! As far as I'm concerned, there's no-one I can trust anymore. From now on, it's every man for themselves." Phillip turned and left the room. As he did, Simone called after him, "Phillip!"

The door closed and Simone sighed, "Idiot." I looked at her, "He's shaken. We all are." She turned, "So, what do you think? About AJ, I mean." I shook my head, "I'm really not sure. I think we're being haunted." Simone sighed wryly, "Oh. Well, at least someone's keeping their head." I sighed myself, "Look, I'm not exactly in love with such and unscientific idea as a murderous ghost. But nothing other than the supernatural could have engineered this situation. And this house has a bad history. A history I think it's time I started looking into."

She nodded, "Well, you do whatever you want. I think I'm going to look into AJ's death with a slightly more sensible attitude." Then I remembered that Jim wasn't here, "Where's Jim and (Y/n)? Someone should tell them about AJ." Simone looked at me, "I think Jim went upstairs. I don't know about (Y/n) though." I nodded, "I'll go look for them."

I headed upstairs, leaving Simone in the front room. I checked all the rooms but the two of them were no where. I went into the bathroom and heard Jim's voice, "Father?" I looked towards the tub, "Jim? Jim, is that you?" The curtain rustled, "What are you doing, father?" I became confused, "Fa-what?" The curtain was rustling desperately now, "Father, no! No, don't! Father! FATHER!" I hurried towards the tub, "Hold on!"

I pulled back the curtain and stared in horror. The tub was filled with blood and the wall had the word father written on it next to a blood splatter. As I backed away, a scream resounded in my ears and I was pulled into the tub by a bloody skeleton.

I awoke with a gasp as I heard Jim call my name, "Mr. Trilby?"

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