Chapter 1: It Begins Again

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January 1, 1960

Jackie groaned as she awoke from her bed, she ached all over. Blearily she opened her eyes and saw her husband beside her, she felt a terrible headache from the amount of alcohol she'd drunk the previous night.

Rubbing her head in pain she sat up and got up, she was immediately hit by the coldness of the room and she blushed when she realized she was undressed. She quickly walked over to her walk in closet from the house she and Jack had bought three years ago. She took out her silk robe and wrapped it around herself before checking the time, 8:00. She yawned and decided to see if Bella, Kick or Caroline were up yet. But first she needed aspirin.

After taking some of the pain relieving medicine she, a bit more awake now, walked down the stairs. She immediately saw exactly what she expected, Bella trying to invent something new. Bella, she had learned was a morning person, something that bewildered Jackie as both she and her husband were night people. Something that also bewildered Jackie was that Bella loved to tinker, ever since she reached the age of three, almost a year ago. Ever since she'd been been pestering Jack for anything to build things with, whether it was a simple castle made of bricks or once, even some wiring of a telephone she'd somehow managed to get down from the wall. Of course she hadn't gotten it all right but she was fascinated in seeing what different wires could do. Jack was beginning to call her,"My little genius."

Bella immediately spotted her mother and grinned,"Mommy!"

She gestured Jackie over,"Help me!"

Jackie walked over and sat down next to her daughter,"With what Bella?"

Bella pointed at the array of building blocks she had,"Make a castle."

Jackie sighed, this was Bella's latest obsession, medieval themed buildings. So Jackie helped her daughter build up the third castle within a 24 hour span.

Soon after finishing the large and complicated castle, two year Caroline waddled down the stairs. Jackie saw her youngest child and walked over to her, a smile on her face. She brought the tufty haired girl onto her hip.

Caroline giggled.

Bella eyed them in jealousy, so, laughing at her daughter's expression, Jackie lifted the rather heavy now Bella, onto her hip; being wary to avoid hitting the hard worked on castle.

Suddenly Jackie heard a yawn and turned to see her tired looking husband with Kick on his hip. She smiled and walked over to him, kissing him on the cheek. Bella whined for Jackie to put her down so she did so.

"You look beautiful." Jack said to his wife, a smile on his face.

"You look very handsome." Jackie smiled.

They shared a kiss before Jackie nodded to her husband, saying she was to make breakfast. 

A/N: Hey! It's my birthday and it'd make my day if you reviewed and voted!

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