"Hello, Love."

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If the last week my noisy neighbor was up with a loud screaming fight, and endless parties, this time I could hear the loud sound of music blaring. Damn, even the walls were shaking. Either they was partying, or they were to stupid to not blaring this whole building off with Sweet Child O' Mine non stop. I put my pillow over my head screaming in frustration.

I swore to God they never quite down.

Shaking my already messy bed hair, I put on my toughest face, mentally preparing my whole speech to lecture my stupid and noisy neighbor.

Hopefully their ears would fall off like mine almost did. It would be funny to watch.

But alas, ladies and gents. That whole speech was gone the second they opened the door. A tall and giant boy stood in front of me, wearing a nirvana t shirt and a banana prints shorts, completed with messy blonde stands on top of his head. If he wanted to pull off a bad boy look, it was long dismissed with that banana pants. Instead, he got that a total soft and gorgeous boyfriend look.

Wait, what?

"Oh hey there." He smiled. Those dimpled smile weaken my temper. "You're my new neighbor, aren't you? Gavin didn't say that they have a lovely face too." Gavin was the sweet old man who lived in the first floor.

"I'm not here to flirt, neighbor. It's almost 3 am so on behalf of the whole population in this building can you turn that horrible music down and let people sleep?" I tried to explain calmly.

You know what me mad even more? He only smiled sweetly down at me and said, "Okay, love. I'm sorry. I actually have a nice music taste though. We should spend some time together soon so I can play only the type of music you listen to."

"Mmm.... What about NO?" I smiled bitterly as the boy's smile fell down, unknown with the fact that it was replaced with amusement because I could hear he yelled an "Okay, maybe next time, beautiful" as I slammed my door.


"Look, Kate, I'm not trying to get rid of you---"

"But you missed my 50 calls in.the.last.48 hours. You should tell me if you don't want to be bothered by me anymore."

I groaned. "Kateryn Walker, can you please listen to me and stop interrupting me?"

"Okay, proceed."

"Look, I'm sorry okay for missing your calls. But it's only 8 in the morning, and I didn't have a peaceful sleep last night, and don't say anything stupid. " I massaged my temple.

She laughed. "Oh, Rosaline, please. I didn't know you have a special guest in your bed last night. Ishould'vebookedahotel."

"Stop making fun of me and I told you I didn't and..... Wait... Can you please repeat the last part?"

"Um, last night? " I face palmed my face.

"I said I should've booked a hotel because I thought you have a company, yes?"

"What do you mean? Is it why you called fifty times?"

This time, she's the one who groaned. "Fine, you got me there. And yes, Howard. You know me better than anyone. After you neglected my text last week I thought you've done with my shit and I booked a plane and I mad because you supposed to pick me up, I think?" she rambled.

"How. would. I. know that I supposed to pick you up IF I DIDNT KNOW YOU WERE GOING HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE?" my patience was tested to the limit.

"Don't yell! I'm sorry too okay? I was thinking to surprise you but then you didn't pick up my calls two days ago.I just wanted to check up if you were home? You didn't have to come now I just pissed at myself because I didn't know where to go, like, please text me your address?" she sighed.

"Surprise my ass." I murmured. "I'll text you the address," and with that, I hung up the phone.


If anyone can made me mad the most at their stupidity but didn't leave them because I love them so much, it would be Kateryn. We were best friends since she gave me half of her lunch back in grade 5 because I was bullied. She was my first true friend, and despite her frustrating personality, she truly cared for me. She was a sister I never had.

Two and half an hour later she bragged in and I heard she said "Oh, you're welcome to come in." before she fell her body on the couch, greeted me with a "Hello, bestie. I miss you lots, and there's a handsome lad outside, who helped me found your room and also said that he was your friend so I invite him in."

"Hi, Rosie" he smiled. Chase. "I found this girl outside with a big suitcase confusedly. So I helped her."

I thanked him. "How do you know it was me she looking for though?"

He chuckled. "You were cute in that pink dress and those big glasses. You didn't change much. " I looked at Kate and she gave me a I'm-sorry-but-not-really face.

My face reddened instantly."I'm so embarrassed. Elaborate please why did you still have that picture?"

Kate took a deep breath. "I...might or might not have been saved that picture since the day you wanted me to burn it? And kept it in my wallet behind our graduation pic for.... Safety purposes?"

That pic was taken on Kate's 10th birthday. Her parents bought me a lovely knee length dress to match with her lilac one. She even wore an imitated glasses to matched my big glasses. Our hair was braid the same way. It was a beautiful day. We took a lot of pictures after her party was over. But then Kate's pushed me down till I fell. Then her mom took a pic of me sat down and crying with my body and dress stained from mud. I told her to burned that picture. But, as usual, she never listened.

I groaned loudly. "Safety purposes. Really, now? I'm touched with the gesture but you know why I wanted it to be burned. You know what? I'll deal with you later."

Chase watched our interaction in amusement. I walked to the door where he's still at and smiled in shame. "I'm sorry you need to saw that." he laughed. "It was entertaining though. I'm sorry too to see you being thrown in your misery." I heard Kate snorted in the background.

"Where are my manners. Do you want to come in?" He politely declined my offer. " No, thanks. Maybe some other time. I was going to go to my friend's. He was actually live in this building, on the same floor too." He explained.

"Oh, really? Wow, I didn't know that. Who's he? Maybe I've met him." I'm actually curious.

'Please don't say that it's the jerk next door,' I mentally prayed.

Calum laughed out loud. "The jerk next door? Really, Rose?" but before I could answer his question someone cleared their throats and beat me to it. That blonde haired boy.

"The jerk next door has a name, you know? And you've met my mate, Chase." He patted Chase's back. Chase nodded and smirked at him.

"Maybe I should properly introduced myself, so you didn't need a mouthful name to spill from your pretty lips." Once again, he softly smiled.

My face drained from blood when he took my hand and kissed the back of it. "Hello, Love. My name's Luke. Lovely to meet you, Rosie. You look beautiful today." My name never been so lovely said before. I scolded myself from the thought.

Then, suddenly I heard my bestfriend squealed behind me. "Oh, hi! Isn't he so sweet? My name's Kate. I'm her best friend. I'll be here for awhile, so if you're single, I can help you arrange dates with my lovely Rosie here."

God, help me.

Luke greeted her politely and took his attention on me and smiled his winning smile, dimples showing. "Oh why, I'd love to go to dates with her. Thank you for your approval." he added. I'm not so sure whether I blushed furiously or this was just me reddening in anger and suddenly the floor had my full attention.

I've never been so humiliated in my life.

They finally introduced! And I love Kate's personality Hehehe. I hope you enjoy this chapter!


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