Four: The Store With Justin

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Four: The Store With Justin
Song of the chapter:
You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift

To kill the silence, Justin turned on the radio. I looked out the window to the side, taking in the clear blue sky, bright green leaves on the trees and fields of grass, and the occasional bird flying through the sky.

Quite honestly, I didn't feel too awkward. I had actually forgotten he was even there. I was focusing on the outside scenery before we quickly passed it by.

The commercial on the radio was over, allowing "You Belong With Me" by Taylor Swift to come through the speakers. I was never one for country music-- in fact, I hated it-- but I liked that song. I thought the music video was cute.

I shifted my eyes so that they were looking out the dashboard at the road ahead. Absentmindedly, I began humming the song quietly and tapping my hands against my thighs.

Humming quickly turned into singing out loud, but in a quiet tone. The music was louder than I was, so it's not like he could have heard me that well anyway, if he did at all. I pushed my hair behind my right ear and then returned to tapping to the music.

I felt his eyes on me, probably amused by the fact that I didn't care that he was right there and I was singing. I slowly turned to him, my singing fading out. There was a slight smile on his face, causing me to send him a subtle scowl.

"Why did you stop?" he asked, looking towards the road again then back at me. Still tapping along to the song, I let my glare towards him remain on my face.

"Because you were watching me." I shot back.

He raised an eyebrow and turned to face the front again. His fingers tapped against the wheel and he did the same with the other hand on his lap. I looked at him for another second, but then turned away when I realized I should probably let up on the "bad ass" attitude I was always forcing. It grew kind of tiring, but then again, the act came natural to me at that point. That wasn't really like me at all, but I was so used to making people believe I was that way. I didn't even realize I was doing it sometimes.

I had my arms crossed over my chest as I continued to keep my eyes facing forward. I couldn't help but notice his eyes on me once again, though. Slowly, I turned to him again.

He had a soft smile on his lips again, confusing me.

Didn't I just snap at him?

"What?" I growled.

Here I go again.

"Nothing." he declared with a chuckle buried in his voice. He turned back towards the front again but then met my gaze another time.

"What?" I asked again, sounding slightly aggravated.

"Nothing!" He repeated, laughing a little more. I didn't know why I didn't notice it the first time, but he had a really nice smile. It was so perfect. Almost too perfect. His rich parents probably payed for years of braces and countless teeth whitenings.

I kept my eyes on him, my eyebrows facing downward. He was a confusing person. I'd never dealt with someone like him before. He was so content and smile-y and full of life. He appeared to be everything I was not.

Again, he turned to me with another slight smile on his face. "What?" he laughed.

"Don't 'what' me!" I snarled, squinting my eyes. "You're the one being all-- I don't know-- weird!"

"I'm being weird?" he asked, placing his hand on his chest.

"Yeah." I said matter-of-factly. "That's what I said."

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