Ten: I Should Have Told Him

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Ten: I Should Have Told Him
Song of the chapter:
Nobody's Home by Avril Lavigne

As I ran down the street, I realized how stupid I was for not taking Mark's car keys. I probably would have gotten to my destination a little bit quicker than I had hoped if I wasn't such a dumb ass.

There was no time for me to think about anything like that, though. I had to find Justin and potentially save his life. I couldn't afford to lose anyone else. Even if it was just the kid across the street.

But that was it. He wasn't 'just the kid across the street' anymore. Although he only knew a little bit about me, it was still enough to where I couldn't let anything bad happen to him. It showed that I actually cared about him. He gave me multiple chances when no one else would.

He can't die. I won't let it happen. I just won't.

Once I had gotten into town, I was full out sprinting. There wasn't a second to waste. I needed to get there in time. I was willing to risk my life just to make sure he was okay. He had much more potential and a much brighter future than I ever had in store. If anyone was going to die, it was going to be me. It wasn't like I had anything to offer. He did.

There were very few people on the street, but I knew for a fact that none of them were out this late to be doing any good. I was sure there were drugs involved when I saw the group of guys by the abandoned building on the corner of North and Fifteenth Street, smoke surrounding them that I was unfamiliar with the scent of. It most definitely wasn't cigarette smoke and I also knew for a fact that it wasn't marijuana. God only knows what type of concoction was going on.

It was sudden. It was quick enough to stop my heart from beating, my blood from pumping, and the air from circulating in my lungs.


They filled my ears, causing them to ring.

Oh, God. No, this can't be happening.

I was undoubtedly crying at that point. I could feel the tears on my cheeks that were quick to betray me. Wiping them off was pointless for one of two reasons: one, it was wasting time; two, I knew more would be coming.

Finally, I reached the next block over and took a sharp right turn, surprising myself when I didn't fall. And when I came to a screeching halt, I felt like I had the wind knocked out of me. Nothing was there, meaning no one ran into me or I didn't run into something. It was what I saw that made me stop.

Screaming. Lots and lots of screaming took place in the distance. A woman crouched over the body on the ground, holding them to her chest.

"Someone call 911!" she sobbed. "God, help! Someone please help!"

Sirens. Loud, ear-shattering sirens flew past me.

Red and blue flashing lights took my attention and kept it. That was all I could see. I couldn't speak.

The nighttime winds played with my hair, blowing it in front of my face and sticking to the tears that wouldn't seem to stop.

Before I could even realize it, my legs, which seemed to have a mind of their own, began moving forward. Why was I running to the scene of the crime? Truthfully, I didn't know. It wasn't like I could get in or stop the past from happening. It was all over.

And that's when I saw it. That's when I swore every little piece of my life I had scrounged up in the past few years had fallen to the ground. There was a body on a stretcher, covered by a white sheet, indicating the person beneath it was already deceased.

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