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I just want to thank sanatwiceonce15, nanly_chan, MarkSana001, AloviAlo, and _ajackson_3
For reading and voting on my story.
Please tell me if I forgot to thank someone.
Feel free to suggest what do you want to happen in the next chapters.


Jin's POV
I called Taehyung to my room and we had a serious conversation

"I have something to tell you." I started
"Why tell me, hyung? You have Namjoon hyung."
"Look, it's about Sana."
"What about her?"
"Please don't be mad at me."
"I won't. Because I think I know what you are going to say."

He knows? How?

"You know?"
"You and Sana are gonna date today, right?"

Okay, so he really knows.

"How did you--"
"I followed you guys yesterday. I heard everything. That time it hurts so much that a man like me almost cried."
"I'm sorry. But we're just gonna date anyway. You still have your chance."
"No need, hyung. When we met up with Twice at the airport, my crush on Sana had lessen a long time ago. That's why I tried to show her my feelings. But I know she'll never choose me over you. That's why I'm focusing on my crush now while there is still chance. Unlike with Sana. I'll never have a chance with her."

Wow, he has a new crush. Huh?

"So, who is your crush?"
"Why suddenly ask?"
"Tell me."
"But keep it a secret. Please hyung."
"Okay. Who?"
"Well.... She's also an idol. A member of a famous girl group."
"Don't tell me it's a member of Twice."
"No she's not. A member of other girl group."

What group then? Blackpink? GFriend? Red Velvet?

"What group?"
"A member of Blackpink."

Oh, so my first guess was right. Who in Blackpink?

"Just tell me. Hurry. I have a date with Sana."
"Stop using Sana as an excuse. You said you'll pick her up at 10:00. It's just 8:23." he said slapping me in the arm.

So he really did listen yesterday.

"It's Lisa. Okay?"

I don't know what to say. Lisa is a '97 liner like Kookie. I'm not saying Tae is too old for her. Tae is a '95 liner. I just didn't expect that he'll like Lisa. I thought he's gonna love someone in Sana's age, which is only a year younger than him. Sana is a '96 liner.

Lisa is Sana's bestfriend.

Sana's POV
"What time will Jin pick you up?" Nayeon asked
"I'll be out at 10. But we'll go to JYP pd-nim first unnie." I answered.
"I'm gonna be out too, girls. I'll be with Jinyoung today. And so is Dahyun. She'll be with JB." Nayeon said to everyone.

"Okay. So, only six of us will stay here. Have fun girls and be careful." Jihyo said.

"Okay. Thanks leader." I thanked her and hugged her.

"Dahyun, Nayeon unnie, what time will your boyfriends come to pick you up?"

"They both said 10:00. We'll be all out at 10."

"We're just gonna get ready upstairs." I said.

9:50 am.
The boys are gonna be here in a few minutes.

*Ding Dong*
"Oh, come in!" I heard Jihyo say.
"Girls, Jinyoung, Jb and Jin are here already!" she called

We went downstairs...

Dahyun and Nayeon hugged their boyfriends. I really don't have the intention to hug Jin.
He hugged me first. He got me flowers. So sweet.

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Credits to the rightful owners

"So you guys are dating!" Jaebum said playfully.
And we just nodded.

Jin's POV
I hugged her when she got downstairs. I guess that made her shocked.
"Let's go?" I asked.
"Yeah. To pd-nim first." she said and I nodded.

We left their dorm with the others. We are headed now to JYP's office.

JYP's Office
"Good Morning pd-nim." We greeted
"Good morning. I see you brought BTS' Jin. I think I know what's going on here." pd-nim said. He really knows his children. Sana, nor Jinyoung can't hide a secret from him.

"So, what are today's plans?" JYP asked
"Just going out sir. Don't worry. We'll protect them." Jaebum promised and we all nodded as we promised.
"You may go. Be careful. Have fun!" he dismissed.

We went out of the building still the six of us together.

"What's our plan?" Jinyoung asked
"I don't know." Jaebum said
"We girls don't know either." Dahyun said
"I can't believe we planned a date like this." I said.
"Why don't we do a triple date." Sana suggested. Wow she's so smart.

"Nice! But Sana dongsaeng, today is your first date, right? Don't you want to spend it alone with Jin hyung?" Jinyoung asked with concern.

"It's fine for me Jinyoung oppa." she answered. It's fine for me too. As long as she's with me.
"Let's go then! Um, to the park then let's go for a dinner date for dinner." I said and they all agreed.

Jihyo's POV
They left a few minutes ago. I need to tell Mark.
"Girls, I'll just go for a walk." I said and they said okay. I'm headed to Got7's dorm.

Got7's Dorm
"Jihyo!" Jackson greeted me.
"Jackson sunbaenim--" he cut me off
"Don't call me that. Aren't we siblings? Just call me 'oppa'."

"Okay, oppa. Is Mark oppa here?"
"Yeah. Come in. He's in the kitchen." I went in and looked for the kitchen.

"Mark oppa." I called.

Mark's POV
I was shocked when someone called 'oppa'. At first I thought it was Jackson playing around. But it wasn't. It's Jihyo. What a surprise.

"Mark..." why does she seem so sad?
"Any problems my dongsaeng?" I asked
"Oppa, Sana...." why can't she say it straight? What happened to Sana?

"Tell me." I told her and we went to the living room. The others gathered too.

"Sana.... Sana is dating Jin oppa." what? Is she serious?
"What? Stop joking Jihyo." I said
"I'm not kidding. Jaebum and Jinyoung just knew it this morning when they went to our dorm."

How can Sana do this to me? She's dating Jin without even telling me!

Tears are now starting to fall down my cheeks.

"Mark..." Jackson said my name trying to calm me down.

I can't take this anymore.
I stood up and ran to my room. Not caring about anyone.

Bambam's POV
I can't believe Sana noona can do this to Mark hyung. But I'm sure she has an explanation. I just need to find out what it is.

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