Tearing Got7 Apart

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Mark's POV
My confession obviously didn't make any sense.

I went to bed right after I came back to our dorm. Gonna stay here again. Lonely, lonely.

I want to sleep. I still haven't eaten a good meal today. I only ate cereals for breakfast and a piece of bread for lunch. I haven't eaten anything for dinner. I'm just gonna sleep.
I don't wanna see anyone right now.
I'm crazy.

Jinyoung's POV
I went to Sana and asked her what happened. She told me everything. When I got home (dorm), the members were cooking food. Only 5 of them. It means Mark is either outside or in his room.

I went upstairs and peeked at his bedroom. He forgot to lock it. He's there. He already slept without even eating. He's been losing weight these days. His heartbreak is affecting his health already.
I don't blame Sana nor Jin.

I went beside his bed and sat.
He's mumbling some words...
Is he.... sleep talking?

Yeah, i think so.

He called her name multiple times.

"Sana... I .... I... love you."

Mark, I know you love her. But what can you do?
You can't just ruin their relationship. Where is the Mark we all know?
The Mark who has no middle action. It's either 'silence' or 'screaming'. No crying!

Where is he? Where is that Mark?
I miss that Mark. Please bring him back.

I woke up first. I already slept in Mark's bedroom without him even noticing it.

I went to the kitchen and cooked breakfast.

I made lots of food and placed them in a tray and placed it in a table next to Mark's bed.

He needs to eat a good breakfast.

Mark's POV
I'm still sleeping. But my stomach is growling already. I opened my eyes and saw food in my table. I'm sure it's from Jinyoung.
How did he get in?

I got up and went to my room's door knob.

I forgot to lock it. How stupid.

I ate breakfast and took a bath. It was refreshing. I wish my life right now is easy as pie. But it isn't.

I couldn't stand seeing Sana anymore. But what can I do? I just can't leave Korea and go to my parents in America! I have work here. Though I'm in a 2-month break, I still need to be here.

After taking a bath, I dressed myself in the most comfy way.
I grabbed my skateboard and went downstairs.

They were eating their breakfast.
"Good morning, hyung!" Bambam greeted me with a smile. I couldn't smile at him. He only makes me remember Sana even more. Bambam is very close to Sana since our trainee days. I always see them together.

"Don't you wanna eat breakfast with us?" Jackson offered.
And yet I just ignored all of them and walked away.

Jaebum's POV
He walked out like we're not even there. I can't take this anymore.

I stood up and slammed the table.

"Hyung!" Yugyeom shouted.
"I can't take this anymore! How dare he just ignore us!" I shouted letting everything out.

"I've been trying to understand Mark because of his situation. But he just can't do this to us! Trust me, this is gonna be one of the reasons Got7 will be teared apart." I said walking out of the room.

I went out of our dorm and went to TWICE's dorm. My girlfriend and my sisters (JYP sisters such as Jihyo, Nayeon, etc.) are the only ones I can talk to right now.

Dahyun's POV
*Knock Knock*

I opened the door and it was....

He hugged me tight like never before. And he was crying.

"Why?" I asked worried. He didn't answer. I led him to the living room and asked again.
"What is it?"

"I don't know. But my life is really falling apart right now. Mark is not even talking to any of us. "

"You always have me." Dahyun said.

Sana's POV
I saw JB with Dahyun in the living room and didn't want to bother them. But something caught my attention. JB was talking about Mark.
I know it's still because of my relationship with Jin.

"JB, I'm sorry." I said sitting beside him.
"It's not your fault Sana. You didn't know that he likes you. And it's not your fault that you fell for Jin."

No matter what he says, I still can't stop blaming myself for everything.

Nikonee and FuseWolfYT, thank you for reading and voting on my story.

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