Chapter 5: Missing Pieces

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~*Katsumi Oda’s P.O.V*~



Ugh, c’mon stomach, don’t be so loud! I didn’t eat much at lunch thinking about what kind of excuse I could give to the guys. I left without telling them, I even made it a promise, now I have to tour them this time…

“And over here is the lab room, we also have other lab rooms next to it” I said as I toured Takano-san and the others at the 4th floor of our building.


“What’s behind that door at the middle!?” Kisa-san asked pointing straight at a 2 large red doors.


“Oh, that’s the Auditorium!” I replied as I pushed the doors. Inside there were many sits, a thousand maybe, and a large stage facing at as.


“Many school events are held here, contests, theatre performances, and many more!” I happily added

“As expected from this private school” Tori said crossing his arms

“It SOOO HUGE!” Chiaki added

“Now now Chiaki” Tori added patting Chiaki’s head. His so cute when he pouts.


Ah! What am I saying!? Katsumi you swore not to fall in love again right.


What ‘in love’? I’m just saying that his cute and love what comes through me Gah!


“Katsumi what are you doing?” Yukina suddenly asked as he saw me ruffling my untied hair, I didn’t even realize what I was doing. Hardcore embarrassment.

“UH, nothing, shall we continue then?” I replied


~*~No One’s P.O.V~*~


Katsumi finished touring the men to the whole school, and by the time they finished, it was about 6:30 pm. Katsumi’s brother; Katzumo has been texting her and calling her the whole time.


Text message:

Katzumo: Katsumi, where are u, do you know what time is it!?

Katsumi: I’m sorry Onii-san, I volunteered to tour the new students around the school… ^^;

Katzumo: -sigh- Don’t scare me like that, what if something bad happened to u??? >.<

Katsumi: I’m fine Onii-san ^. ^

Katzumo: Okay, but next time, tell me about it before do something like this. U know I get worried…

Katsumi: Ok, I’m by the train now. I’m with one of my new classmates, so you don’t have to worry.

Katzumo: Alright, I’ll be by the door waiting. Be safe.


Katsumi didn’t reply from that last text, she just went along with the men to the train.

“So, who have you been texting Katsumi?” Ritsu asked as he leaned over at Katsumi.

“My Brother, his been over protective since…” Katsumi went silent, the men looked over to her to know what she was about to say.

“About your parents… right?” Takano added making all of them look at him, Katsumi also with eyes shocked by what she heard.

I'm in a Reverse-Harem!? (Sekaiichi Hatsukoi fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now