Chapter 1. ~

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2 months later...

(Selena's thoughts.)

"Hit the lights, let the music move you loose yourself tonight..."

"That was good Sel! Okay, we're done for today. See ya tomorrow for more recording!"

I smiled as I took off my Recording headphones.

I got up and left the recording room and went to the restroom.

I was reapplining my lip-gloss, when I got a text.

"Where are you my love?" "Just got finished recording. I'll be over at your house in about 30 minutes ok? xoxo!"

Harry and I talked it out, and we agreed to stay friends. I was now with his his fellow band mate, Zayn Malik. Our relationship was beyond amazing.

I was leaving the bathroom when my phone started to ring.

"Zayn, baby! I said I'll be there la-" "It isn't Zayn."

My happiness quickly turned to fear.

"Who are you?! Why do you keep calling me!?" "I love you Selena. Always have, always will. And if I can't have you, then no one can."

Then the person hung up.

(Christy's thoughts.)

"Justin, where are my keys?" "Babe, they're under Snowball's bed I think."

I quickly looked under there, nope. Justin was crazy, I swear. That's why I loved him.

When Justin asked me to marry him, I immediatly said yes. Then soon after, I moved in with him. My mom thought I was moving too fast, but she just didn't understand. When I moved in, Justin had gotten me a special gift: a kitty!!!! I named her Snowball. She was like a big, fat, white, hairball! Justin and I loved her so much(:

"Justin, get up." "Whyy?????" "They might be under your sexy ass Justin!"

He giggled and got up. Of course, they were.

I playfully hit Justin. He picked me up and twirled me around. He slowly lowered me and kissed me.

"I love you, sweetheart." "I love you too." "Meow!"

I picked up Snowball.

"Oh, snowball! You know I can't forget you! Don't tell Justin, but you're way cuter than him."

"Hey!" Justin said as he kissed my cheek.

"Well, I'm off to school Justin. Bye! I love you!" "I love you too Christy."

I kissed him and was off to school.

(Jasmine's thoughts.)

"The baby looks quite alright, Ms. Villegas. They baby should be due around February 10th through the 14th."

"Thank you." I said with a smile.

I slung my purse over my shoulder and got into my car.

I had a text from my best friend, Michelle.

"Hey girl! Omg, we need to hang out today!" "Ok! Come to my house around 7:30ish?" "Yay! See ya then!"

I threw my phone in the passenger's seat.

I stopped by McDonald's and got a Big Mac, a medium fries, a milkshake, and a large diet coke.

I had a huge Mickey D's craving since I've been pregnant.(:

As soon as I was done eating, I got a phone call from Selena.

"Hello?" "Hey Jas, I got the diapers you wanted me to get. Ooooh! I can't wait to an auntie!!"

I giggled. Justin, Selena, Christy, and I were actually really good friends now.  We got over my little breakdown, (when you're pregnant, you get mood swings, haha) and we just decided to forget it.

"Haha, yeah. So, have you talked to Justin? He hasn'r picked up this phone lately, Sel." "Oh, he's sleeping. Christy told me that he was really tired before she left for school." "Oh, okay. So have you found out who that creepy caller is yet?" "No. I actually got a call from them about an hour ago! I'm really creeped out..."

I heard a guy's giggle in the background. Zayn. Of course.

"Tell Zayn I said hey, Sel." "Zayn, Jas said hey." "Hey! Put her on speaker phone!"

As I was put on speaker phone, Zayn blurted out, "How are you darling?" "Oh, you know, pregnant. Haha." "Zayn giggled alittle. "Well, Niall, Liam, Louis, Harry, and I want you to name your child Rumus Ralph Lauren Villegas."

Selena giggled "Okay, okay Zayn. Enough speaker phone for you."

She took him off of speaker phone.

"Well, Jasmine I'll call you back later k? Buh-bye!" "Bye Sel!"

(Justin's thoughts.)

"Christy? What are you doing?"

Christy turned around. She was being held... by another guy.

"Sorry Justin, I don't love you anymore! I'm with this guy now! See ya!"

"Auhh!" I screamed.

That was the worst dream I've had yet!

I got out of my bed and went downstairs and got something to drink. I was sitting at the kitchen table.

Snowball was rubbing against my legs.

"Oh hey, puff ball." I said as I began to scratch her head.

I have been havong these nightmares that Christy was cheating on me with this mystery dude I've never seen before in my life.

I got a text from Jasmine.

"Hey sleepy head! Wake your self up! Haha, listen, the doctors said that Johnathan was going to be born around February 10th and he 14th. Aren't you excited?"

I smiled. "Of course! I'm gunna be an uncle or daddy auhhh!"

I was completetly okay with the fact that Jasmine's child could possibly be mine. I thought it would be cool having a son, raising him, ya know. But, also, it would be a relief if it isn't my kid. I mean, I wouldn't have a life anymore, anything.

I was in mid sip when my manager, Scooter Braun, called me.

"Hewwo?" I said.

"Justin, look, I've just been informed that you will have to start your tour alittle early. Like, 5 months earlier."

I spit out my orange juice everywhere. It go all over Snowball's fur. She looked like a sticky, hair-dye experiment...

"WHAT?! THAT'S NEXT MONTH THEN! WHAT THE HELL!?" "I'm sorry Justin, I don't make the rules. I gotta go okay? Talk to you more about this later, bye." Click.

I threw my phone on the living room couch. "DAMNIT!" I screamed.

"What's wrong?" Christy said as she was walking in.


"Oh, um, I, um, forgot that I have to go meet Ryan my crew somewhere. I'll talk to you later sweetheart."

I kissed her cheek and drove away.

I wasn't ready to tell Christy, not yet.

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