Chapter One: Lil' Lance

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Hello! If you read this thank you sooo much! I'll try to update as much as I can but I am not a very motivated person, just a warning. I hope you enjoy this because I cri Y~Y LAncE nO


Lance had always know that there was something wrong with him since he was quite young. What was different about him that separated him from other children was not his fault in any way, it was just his genetics. A mutation that was so rare their has only been three cases in all of recorded human history. It's not a disease that will kill you, per say, but that doesn't mean that it won't drive you to the brink of death before you kill yourself. At least, that's what the other two people who had it did. 

Lance knew from the moment he learned how to pick up on the small things, how his mother always babied him. He didn't mind it, not one bit. He loved being the center of attention, but this kind of attention was not the kind he wanted. He wanted to be able to do things with friends he made in school, he wanted to go to the park to play, or swim in the ocean all day, like a lot of the other children he knew. Lance's sisters and brothers could, so why couldn't he? The worrying glances his mother gave him every time he said 'ow' were filled with anxiety and dispare, and not at all the look he wanted to see in his mothers eyes.

As he got older, and his family moved around a lot more, he went to his family about why he would always feel pains in any part of his body. His parents teared up but decided it would be best to tell their child the burden he would always live with. They told him that he could never do what normal kids did because if he got hurt, he would live with the consequences for the rest of his life, literally. He had to be trapped inside his house where he knew he could be safe, from all the barely noticeable dangers of the world around him. 

No matter how hard his family tried though, he still found ways to get hurt. Not purposefully, of course, but silly things like tripping, or hitting your head on a doorframe. Lance stayed home a lot, so he didn't have a whole lot to do. He took up art and music, but he soon became bored with it. The notes were all the same to him and the art looked bland and dull. He started to research random things on the internet and he soon learned about almost everything in the world. It was like homeschool, but he could do anything on any topic he ever wanted and didn't have to worry about due dates. This made him feel better, it made him feel useful. The subject he was most fascinated by, was space. He loved that all the stars had names, and all the planets had their own stories to be told. Soon he just about learned everything there was to know about space. 

By this time, Lance was 16 and determined to get into his dream school the Galaxy Garrison. It had amazing space training programs for anyone wanting to learn anything about space ships and flying. He already knew everything on the entrance exam, the only obstical now was his mother. She didn't want him to go, she wanted him to stay safe with her until the very end. Lance knew that she loved him enough to support him if he went anyways, but he still wanted her permission. When he explained to her about how he needed to go or he would regret it for the rest of his life, she finally agreed, as long as the only person he would tell about his mutation, other then the directors, was his roommate. Lance quickly agreed, and ran to his computer to start the registration.

A week later, they got a letter in the mail from the GG (Galaxy Garrison). Lance was required to take an entrance exam, which he knew about, and to meet up with some of the teachers that would possibly be teaching him. He learned all about schedules would work and even got a tour of the whole facility! When he went home he prayed that he would make it in...


Lance woke with a gasp, he has had that dream many times within the past week but he doesn't know why. Is it a warning? What do I have to do?

He gets out of bed and looks at the alarm clock that Pidge had made for him. Only 5:30, he still has time before he normally gets up. Lance pondered for a bit and then decided to go to the training room. No one notices, but Lance trains more then everyone, other than Keith, only because he gets pushed away from the other paladins when he is talking to them when they are trying to do something. They don't mean to, they just subconsciously do it, not realizing how much they hurt him when they do.

He enters the training room, in his armor and shouts "Start training level 26!" Imidietly you can hear the bots coming out from everywhere and surrounding Lance, but he already has his Bayard out and starts shooting at the bots. When one of the bots gets too close he pulls out a knife from a secret pocket, presumably used for when paladins get caught, and stabs them using that. Despite being better at shooting, he is no slouch when it comes to wielding daggers and small knifes. He makes it to level 30 before he gets shot in the arm by one of the last training bots standing. He can feel the pain and wishes that it would go away, knowing it wouldn't. 

"End training sequence!" He shouts, panting.Shakily standing up, he walks over to the door and painfully heads back to his room.



Sorry it moved so fast in this chapter, I just wanted to get the background in and a little bit from present day lance. The next chapter might not have as many words but will not be as jam packed full of information. I hope you like it and please leave a comment! I love reading any comments people leave on my 2 stories XD. Bye~ Cookie

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