Chapter Three: Something is up for sure

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Y'all, season 6 is great

Lance's POV:

I run into my room and flopped onto the bed. It doesn't really matter anymore that it stings when I do this, there was already pain. Pulling my fingers to my face, I feel the tear stains that left trails down my cheeks. 'Of course my clumsiness would ruin breakfast. I'll go to Hunk later to ask for some leftovers or something.' Curling up into bed sounds like my best option, but the team is counting on me to get down to training on time today. If I don't Allura will get mad and probably cause everyone else to be a little pissy too. That never turns out well. 

It's already known that when I see everyone (except Hunk) they're going to want to know what happened this morning. Pidge will laugh at me a little before asking if I was ok, Shiro and Allura would say I need to be more careful, Coran might go into a story about old Altea, and Keith would ask if I was ok then act like nothing happened. Sometimes I feel like if I told them, they would motivate me to do my best in training instead of scold me. In the long run though, I know they believe I am the weakest, and that this would only prove that fact. 

I grunt, pulling myself out of bed and popping in some painkillers before practice. I head out of my room into the vast empty hallway and towards the bridge. Everyone else is already their except for Pidge, who most likely stayed up late working on a project of some sorts, I forgot to make sure they went to bed. Gosh darn it. Allura seems like she is already talking about training, so I just tune in.


I'm a lazy Cookie, so I'm not going to write all of the training plans, oops *shrug*


"And the last thing we will be doing before we eat lunch today, is a new kind of simulator, where we will still be fighting the gladiator, but the group will be able to feel a single persons physical pain. Now, off to the training deck." Allura concluded, turning back towards the castle controls. 

I'm painicing, and it's obvious Hunk knows. I walk as calmly as I can with the others towards the training deck. All of them look nervous about the last training excersize, but I know it's because they don't want to hurt each other, and themselves. 

...This won't go well...

Hunk POV

Oh boy. We're about to start the last excersize, we are going to be feeling each other's physical pain. The others don't know whats about to go down, but I do. I start mentally preparing myself for the pain that I know is going to wash over my body, maybe to the point of unconsciousness. As Coran is handing us the helmets, Lance steps forward.

"You guys should probably hold on to something if you want me to participate. Or maybe sit down... I don't know how this is going to go." He mumbles the last part, but everyone still has confused looks on their faces. "Just put on the helmets.." is all he says as an explanation.

'Welp... here I go'

I shove the helmet on my head and immidietly start to fall over. Luckily, Lance is there to help stabilize me before I hit the ground. 

"W-why is there.. so much pain??" Pidge says as they fall to the floor. Lance and I rush towards her with worry in our eyes. Keith is gripping at his face, where Lances head hit the floor this morning. Shiro looks at Lance, the concern and pain clear in his features. 

"I told you guys... how bad is it? I've- I've gotten kind of numb." Lance whispers. I can see Coran still in the corner of the room, probably debating whether or not to call Allura. I hear Keith whine, something I never thought I would hear, and turn back to Pidge who seems to have passed out. I am not fairing much better then the rest of the paladins. My vision has gotten blurry and everything is in searing pain. Lance takes off his helmet and suddenly its like I can breath again. I know everyone feels the same.

"I-I'm so sorry guys, I s-should've tried harder to get out of this excersize.. it's not fair to you all." Lance mumbles, running out of the room. Leaving me and Shiro to deal with Keith and Pidge. 

"What just happened?" Shiro asks, staring at me as though I know something, which I do.

"I'll tell you, but first lets take care of Keith and Pidge, they need some rest." I say, picking up my friends unconsious body and walking with Keith and Shiro out of the room to the lounge room.

It's time Lance explains what is happening.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2022 ⏰

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