The Audition

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 "Whenever you're ready." 'Sigh' 

"Hi, my name is Sophia Lillis, and I'll be auditioning for the role of Beverly Marsh."

'Fight scene between Richie and Bill'

"Stop! This is what It wants to do! It wants to Divide us!"

I then on continued to read what they told me to. I have to be honest, it wasn't my best audition. 

"Thank you Ms. Lillis, you did great." A slim blonde with a shirt that read 'producer' told me.

I gave a fake smile, I was really expecting to never get a call back. 

"So how do you think you did Soph?" My mom asked grabbing her purse from the chair in the lobby full of girls waiting to get their shot on the big screen. I shrugged.

When I got to my house I walked upstairs, if I were to get a call back, it wouldn't be for weeks, I had learned by now not to get my hopes up. I went on my phone and scrolled through Instagram. This curly-headed boy kept showing up on my feed, he was honestly cute. I went to look at his latest post.

"Pretty sure I just blew one of my biggest auditions, oh well." his caption read. I laughed at the coincidence. At this point I had no idea what I had just auditioned for.

Weeks went by and I had forgotten about the audition.

"Sophia!" My mom screamed from downstairs. With the rush of adrenaline I ran downstairs expecting my mother to be hurt.

"You got the part!" She screamed jumping up and down in excitement.

"Wait? What!" I said with wide-eyes

She gave me a huge hug and I hugged her back


I laughed and ran upstairs, I got on my phone and immediately texted the groupchat

"Female Dogs Spilling Tea"

Sofalillis: I GOT THE PART




sofalillis: well I have to pack, LOVE YOU GUYS<33

I shut off my phone and started throwing all my stuff in a bag, I hadn't jumped on the Finn train since he starred in stranger things, but it would be cool to meet him.

"Sophia the director sent the cast list."

I ran downstairs and grabbed my mom's phone.

From: Andy Muschietti                                                                                                                                                          "Hello losers! I am your director Andy, if you are reading this you are officially a loser. You all know this movie is based off of Stephen King's "IT". Anyways! You will all meet tomorrow at the airport, since we all leave on the same flight for Toronto. I hope you all understand you are leaving your parents at home. Yes, you will be alone, sort of, my sister Barbara will take care of the girls, or girl, Sophia Lillis and I will be taking care of the boys, Wyatt Oleff, Jaeden Lieberher, Finn Wolfhard, Jack Dylan Grazer, Jeremy Ray Taylor, and Chosen Jacobs. You all will be spending 4 months together! Hope you all like each other;) Press Tour is mandatory! July 7th-Aug 7. See you all at the airport tomorrow at 9am sharp!"

I squealed in excitement, I googled all the names that were in the e-mail, all these boys were like 12, nevertheless, they were all good-looking. Though, one guy did catch my eye, the guy named Wyatt Oleff just made me smile.

I went to bed, or at least attempted to, I eventually drifted off to sleep at around 2 am.

"Sophia let's go!" My mom yelled from downstairs, I got up from bed and got ready. I grabbed my suitcase and headed downstairs.

The drive to the airport was quite, until my mom broke the silence, "Sophia, you're going to be alone for 4 and a half months, and a press tour." she said. "Mommm" I groaned. "Just take care of yourself Sophia." she said with a smile. 

We arrived at the airport and I felt my hands get sweaty, my mom checked me in. "It says we have to meet the others at gate 22." she told me. I took a breath in. "Don't be nervous." she laughed.

We walked down the airport and arrived at the gate, as I was looking around a familiar noodle hair caught my eye, "That must be them." I smiled.

My mom walked me over and I was greeted by a bunch of screaming and hyper boys, this was going to be interesting.

"Hi I'm Jack!" a hyper, energetic boy said. I smiled at him ,"Sophia.' I said. The rest of the boys introduced themselves, when I got to Wyatt I felt my heart speed up, "I-I'm Wyatt" he stuttered. "Are you playing Bill?" I laughed pointing out his stutter. He turned red. 

"We will now begin boarding for flight 2343, headed to Toronto, Canada." I turned around to face my mom who had tears in her eyes.

"I'm gonna miss you so much!" she said crying. I hugged her back "I'll be ok mom." I smiled.

"Let's go guys!" Andy said.

We walked down the pathway to the airplane, I looked at my boarding pass, I had middle seat. Wyatt looked over my shoulder at my boarding pass, "Wanna switch?" he asked with a smile. "S-sure" I stuttered, mentally slapping myself. "I didn't know YOU were playing Bill." he laughed, I felt my face heat up but I couldn't help but laugh, I gave him a slight punch on the shoulder which made his body tense up.

This was going to be an interesting summer.

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