the Drive

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We all piled in the van there were just enough rows for all of us to cram in next to each other. Chosen drove, Millie sat in the passenger seat, mainly cause she wanted the aux cord, in the first row sat Jaeden Lilia and Maddie, in the row behind them sat Jack Finn and Sadie, then in the last row it was me Jeremy and Sophia.  "How did I get stuck with the lovebirds?" Jeremy groaned putting his headphones in his ears. I heard Sophia giggle which caused me to laugh. 

"Ok guys here comes the first song" Millie shouted. Soon "FRIENDS" by marshmello and ann marie started blasting. "Oh god this song is fucking awkward." Sophia snorted. "Why?" I asked

"Listen to the lyrics." She smirked

"F-R-I-E-N-D-S, get that shit inside your head!" The girls sang along, including Jack

Jaeden looked back and gave me a sympathetic smile and made a motion for me to look at Lilia who was very much into song.

It was obvious Jaeden was in love with Lilia and her singing this song very passionately must've hurt.

When the song ended Jaeden spoke up, "Ok, ok, enough of that, it's our turn" he said reaching for Millie's phone, she scoffed and handed it to him. Jaeden looked at us and smirked, we knew what song he was about to play.

I started tapping my foot and banging on the seat loud enough for the rest of the van to hear and Finn started to pretend to play a guitar.




Finn started his guitar solo and eventually the girls joined in.

Me and Sophia smiled at each other, she looked so happy which made me even happier. I put my arm around her and she scooted closer. Millie started playing more relaxing songs when she noticed everybody was dazing off.

For some reason Lilia and Finn were talking up a storm, Jaeden obviously was not happy. 

I started hearing soft snoring and I saw Sophia curled up under my arm sleeping, I smiled and kissed the top of her head.

I started feeling my eyes get heavy and fell asleep.

"EVERYBODY UP! FIRST REST STOP!" Chosen yelled waking EVERYBODY up. I woke up and looked around me Sophia was still under my arm and hadn't comprehended what was happening.

"Morning sleepy." I said with a groggy voice and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Hi" she said with a smile. "SNACKS!!" Jack yelled and ran out of the van. 

"You guys are so cute, I need that." Lilia remarked. I noticed Jaeden and Finn quickly look a each other but then look away, the tension was obvious.

"Can you get me pringles? Pretty please?" Sophia pleaded, I groaned but agreed.

I entered the 7/11 and grabbed all the snacks I could get my hand on, we still had 5 hours to go till we stopped for food.

I was in the candy isle when I heard Lilia talking to Maddie and Millie. 

"I've always liked Jaeden, but after today I think I might like Finn.." She said.

"fuck" I muttered, I immediately covered my mouth and ducked down hoping they wouldn't see me, they didn't. I have to fucking tell somebody.

I paid for the snacks and headed back to the van. "Did you buy the whole goddamn store?" Sophia laughed. I sarcastically smiled and grabbed her pringles.

"I heard Lilia say she like Finn and Jaeden." I whispered. Sophia slightly gasped, "fuck" she muttered. "I said the same thing."

"This is gonna strain Finn and Jaeden's relationship so much." Sophia said sadly. I nodded and felt my mood go down a bit. She opened her pringles and layed her head on my shoulder. 

Even though some things around me were crap, I had something that could make everything 10x better, Sophia fucking Lillis.

djkewfmawelkf sorry for the scrap, this chapter is sad, Alexa, play despacito 6

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