Chapter 4: Pack drama

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It's been two days since I woke up and nothing major has happened. I spent the first day in bed asleep which was surprising considering I had been asleep for three days previous. The second day was the best, Malik spent the day with me and we finished touring the pack. We shifted for the first time since the accident and my wolf doesn't appear to be any different. I continued to tend to the gardens around the 50 acres of pack land, with the help of a couple who are Logan's mother and father. Both whom are very nice, Angelina and Francis are their names and share passion for nature. I suppose that is all. Right now however,I've been begging Malik to let me run off land to this beautiful lake with a crashing waterfall. I hear it at night and it sounds magnificent.

"Let me do it, pleeeeaaasssseee" I beg pulling on his shirt. Skai and Logan laugh as I jump on him, gripped like a monkey.

"I'm not letting go till you say yes." I frown and I feel his hand on my thigh tighten.

"What if I don't want you to let go?" He kisses my neck,then my cheek and his lips hover above my lips.

"We could have so much more fun in water." I whisper seductively in his ear and he growls. I bite my lip awaiting my answer...

"Fine." He sighs and I hug him tightly. I feel a slight chuckle escape him and I smiled to.

"C'mon then." I jump up and down and get my shoes on. Malik kicks Skai and Logan out the house and we walk across the open space.



Everybody greeted as we passed them and we inturn greeted them. This pack was a family and had already accepted me as their Luna,which made Malik happy that he could flaunt me. I was dressed in a white vest top and white shorts, Malik however, was wearing black 3/4 shorts and a black t shirt which he has now removed. A group of teenager were sat in a circle at the edge of the territory and they began to whisper as we passed them.

"What are those things on her shoulder?"

"My mum said she has a natural talent but I just think she's weird."

"Calm it Malik." I place my hand on his chest but completely disregards my action. He approaches the kids,his muscles tensing practically making the girls of the group faint.

"Alpha Bael." The children struggled to speak as they stared into his dead eyes that I think are beautiful.

"You will learn to respect your Luna and as for her natural gifts, they will not be judged. Understood?" He was being surprisingly nice, despite the angry tone but I have heard him threaten harsher. The children all nodded and looked to the ground.

"Good, now return to the village. You shouldn't be so close to the edge of our territory." Malik turned away after the children had learnt their lesson and took my arm. I looked back for a brief moment as the girls and boys were slowly strolling home.

"You shouldn't have got mad at them, they are just children." I say softly and Malik looks down to me.

"They are our future and they will be expected follow rules when they are older and they are expected to follow them now." He lifted me over a broken fence and hopped over himself, the noise of the waterfall becoming louder and louder.

"Ivy?" His hand is placed on the small of my back and he guided me through the rough terrain. I nod and he has a sad look on his face.

"I'm an Alpha and that comes with duties, I run a pack with over 2000 pack members in. I'm sorry if I don't spend enough time with You, especially these last few days." Oh great we are back to self pitying Malik. 

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